Zor x Shy Reader

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Ok, so this was a bit of a challenge because I'm not a shy person and I know that's not an excuse so just bare with me on this one.

Ok, so this was a bit of a challenge because I'm not a shy person and I know that's not an excuse so just bare with me on this one

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As always you can change the outfit you're wearing

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As always you can change the outfit you're wearing.😊

A whole lot of unexpected twists and turns happened. You were currently in a secret base with the famous blue blur himself, Sonic the Hedgehog and his trusted sidekick, Tails with also having the company of Eggman and his bots, Obot and Cubot. 

As of the the plan of action with defeating this bad guys called, The Deadly Six, well that's  a different question altogether. Both Sonic and Tails are both having a argument about how Tails think Sonic doesn't trust him anymore and you understood what Tails was feeling, trusting Eggman is a risky move.  You, however stood there quietly, not voicing your opinion about the matter.

You were the shy type and always kept to yourself, never saying your ideas or voicing what you think is the best course of action.  You just stood there on the sidelines, just waiting for your moment to shine, but you had many chances but choose not to in fear that they would just laugh at you.

As they continued to argue, you quietly promised yourself that you would get somewhat out of your comfort zone, someday.

Time Skip

Unfortunately, you got separated from Sonic when he was going to Tails, as well as your shyness you're also very quiet.

"*sigh* It was bound to happen at some point....I wonder why they're friends with me anyway. I'm not brave nor smart. I don't even help in battle because of my shyness I just stand there on the sidelines and do nothing."

You suddenly heard rustling in the trees just beside you.

"*gulp* W-who,s there? I'm - I'm not afraid of you!"

* Oh yeah (name), like that will scare them off.* 

You thought to yourself, as you heard more rustling.

"I-I'm serious, come - come out!"

Then, one of the member of The Deadly Six came out, holding a blue and purple ombre rose. You recognized him because you briefly met them at the start of this crazy adventure.

"Aw man, I though that you were that blue hedgehog loser. This day gets lamer and lamer every minute, sigh so bored."

"w-who are you?"

"The name's Zor. What's your name?, not that I care"

"It's (n-name)"

"What a common name"

"H-hey it-"

"What's a girl like you doing on this lame planet anyway?"

"I-f you're so c-called b-bored, then w-why don't y-you f-find out yourself?" 

You tried to sound brave, but kind of failed.

"Huh, looks like this day won't be so lame after all."

He handed you the rose that he was holding.

He handed you the rose that he was holding

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He then, place a gentle kiss o your cheek.


"See you around beautiful"

"H-hey w-wait!"

It was too late, he already ran off.

*maybe, at least one of them is not as bad as he seems to be*

The End. 


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