Chapter 8 - (Word Of Advice)

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We stood inches away from each other; I could feel his warm breath on my soft skin. We were standing dangerously close to each other.

I could hear my subconscious yelling at me,

’This is Haram.

You can’t kiss a boy even if he is a Muslim like you.                                                                  

Go back to your sense Megg.

Don’t blow away all of the good changes you made in your life.

Do go back to that place.’

But seeing him bite his lower lip then smiling and putting the tip of his tongue out between his teeth just melts my heart away.

Meeting his gaze, I felt as if time had stopped and so had my heart. And for that moment there was nothing else other than the two of us and our lips which lingered for each other’s touch.

This wasn’t the first time I had ever kissed a guy, but this was the first time I ever wanted to kiss someone so badly. Letting my feelings take over me, I closed my eyes and waited for him lips to come in contact with mine.

*Ring Ring*

‘Dang, who was calling me now?’ I thought when I heard my ringtone.

Opening my eyes I noticed Zayn reaching over the table and grabbing the phone.

“Wait that’s my pone.” I said almost too fast but he already picked it up and answered.

“Hello? Oh sorry, yeah. Here she is.” Zayn handed me the phone with an apologetic look on his face... ‘Thought it was mine.’ He whispered to me.

Looking at the caller’s ID before answering, my eyebrows furrowed. Why was mom calling me? She hasn’t called since my first day at college, she just occasionally texted me asking me how school was but that was it really.

“Hey mom.” My voice was higher than I intended it to be. I hate how my voice changes when I’m nervous. But then again why was I nervous? I did nothing wrong, technically speaking.

“Hey Meggs, Um... Who answered your phone?” mom sounded normal, just a bit curious and worried. Like she always is.

“No one,” I brushed her off feeling too guilty about what almost happened. “Why did you call? Is something wrong?” I tried to change the subject and feed my own curiosity.

“No, everything is fine. I just wanted to remind you that your sister is turning 16 in a week,” How can I forget, that’s all she had been talking about for months, “And your dad and I are throwing her a sweet sixteen party,” I rolled my eyes, Of course you are, “We would love it if you came. You are welcome to invite anyone you like.” She said that last part in a hoping way.

“Okay.” I agreed in a small voice that could be mistaken for a whisper. I wasn’t sure why I agreed.

“Great, can’t wait to see you hunny. I’ll leave you to your studies. Love you.” She was excited, very excited that I agreed. I think she was in shock and to be fair, I was shocked by my own words too.

My family and I, we never had a relationship of any sort. The most interaction we ever had was when I had my accident and they forced me to go to Egypt. We were nothing like the Maliks, who are always together and they all loved and cared for one another. Maybe that was why I agreed to go, just to have some sort of relationship with my family.

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