Chapter 33 - ( Free Fix)

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I couldn’t believe my eyes. Sarah was distributing drugs in my little sister’s party. How dare she do something like this?

How careless could she be? My parents were here.

Looking at Aaroosa, I noticed that she went back to talk to Waliyha about something. It didn’t look like she noticed what Sarah was doing.

Returning my gaze at Sarah, I watched as she and Erik kept exchanging their stuff with many kids who came and went by them. I was so disgusted by her. They were just kids.

“What’s on your mind?” Zayn said suddenly.

“Nothing.” I replied not taking my eyes off Sarah.

“You look distracted.” He said worriedly, “If there is something you want to talk about, I’m always here.”

“N-No. There’s nothing I want to talk about. Don’t worry.” I forced a smile at him then turned my gaze at Sarah again as Ella approached with a young girl then whispered something to her.

“Are you sure? You know I’m a good listener.” He insisted.

“Yeah,” I said quickly as I noticed Sarah take that girl through the exit door, “I have to go to the ladies room.” I said as I got up and went down to the dance floor.

Making my way through the crowd, I went to where Sarah was. Looking around me, I saw Erik still disturbing. I gave him a disgusting look and tried to walk past him to go through the door that Sarah just went through but Erik’s hand came in contact with my hand stopping me from going any further.

Feeling shivers from his touch, I turned on my heel to look at him with confusion, “Let go.” I demanded trying to pull my arm from his grasp but falling.

“Where do you think you are going?” He said in his cold, creepy voice.

“I need to go take a drag.” I lied easily and pulled my arm finally freeing it from his grasp.

“I thought you quitted.” He said still blocking my way.

“It’s not that easy.” I spat, harshly at him.

“Hey dude, I was here first.” A teen shouted at Erik, gaining his attention. I took that chance and slit through the door before he noticed me.

The door led to a narrow hallway. Walking through that hallway, I heard some voices that I didn’t quite recognize as they were muffled by some noises. I followed the voices till the end of the hallway where it led to another door that was cracked open. The voices were clear now and I could hear them.

“This girl needs a special fix.” I heard Ella say. I knew it. I knew Ella was still involved with Sarah in her dirty game. And she had the nerves to play the innocent in front of me.

“So you don’t like the free trial or what?” Sarah said in her cold, emotionless voice.

 “I paid a lot for that sh*t.” My eyes widened as I heard Nadia’s voice.

“That stuff is for babies. I need a stronger fix.” The girl said then I heard a lighter being flicked.

“How much are you willing to pay for that stronger fix?” I heard Sarah ask then I heard her huff off the cloud of smoke of her cigarette.

“I thought the party host offered a free fix for anyone in need.” The girl said and I could feel my blood pressure going to the roof. I was so angry. I couldn’t believe my own sister was giving everyone drugs for free. She was working for Sarah after everything that happened to me.

But what I couldn’t understand was why she was paying for the drugs in the first place? What was she getting out of this?

“I don’t get that kind of things. I only give out small samples that never harm anyone.” I heard Nadia say in her innocent way. I felt my face redden with anger and I couldn’t pare to hear another word.

The next thing I knew, I was feeling my legs move through that door and my mouth shout at them, “What the hell is going on in here?”

“God, you scared me Maggs.” Sarah chuckled and I felt my stomach turn when she said my nickname.

“Good,” I spat, “What the hell do you think you are doing here Sarah?”

“Enjoying a good party,” She shrugged, “I suggest you go do the same and move that little body of yours to the beats in the dance floor.” She shooed me off with her hands, making me even angrier than I already was.

“You think I’m going to let you drag my sister to that dirty world of ours?” I raised my eye brow and crossed my arms determinedly at her.

“Well, I’ll leave you to sort your lives. I’ll be at the wheels waiting for you to get me the real sh*t.” The girl said leaving us.

“You just interrupted a good deal.” Sarah whined mockingly, taking another drag of her cigarette.

“I don’t care. You need to take your little puppets and leave this party now or I’ll call the police. Distrusting to minors, that’s a solid case.” I threatened her.

“You would put your own sister behind bars?” She smirked coldly at me.

“No, Probably not. But I could tell them about Aliya. Poor Aliya, she was only trying to do what’s right but she was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.” I said in a fake innocent voice to manipulate her.

Sarah’s face became stiffen and her smirk dropped, “That case was dropped.” She said coldly but I knew she felt threatened.

“I think they would consider re-opening it if a new witness gave them some vital evidence.” I smirked at her. I could see in her eyes that she was scared and that I won this.

“Fine, what do you want?” She hissed at me angrily.

“Take your dirty pack,” I said looking at Ella who was standing quietly next to Sarah, “And take your staff and leave this party.” I said with confidence.

“Fine.” She spat.

“Oh, And Sarah,” I called as she was about to leave, “If I ever hear that you contact anyone of my family again, I will not hesitate to make my threat a reality.”

“Whatever.” She spat and turned on her heel, leaving me and an angry Nadia behind as Ella followed her like a lost puppy.

“What the f*ck? Why did you do that?” Nadia yelled at me.

“Because obviously you are not thinking straight. Did you not learn anything from what happened to me?” I argued with her.

“I’m not stupid like you. I don’t use drugs.” She yelled

“But you are stupid enough to deal in broad day light?” I asked her looking at her in a dumb way.

“I wasn’t dealing either,” She through her hand in the air, “I was just- you know what? Forget it you won’t understand.” She sighed in frustration.

“Try me.” I urged her. This was one of the only times that I saw my sister not so confident ad arrogant. That’s when I knew something was wrong.

Taking a deep breath, she sighed “Well, it’s just-“ She was interrupted by some noises coming from behind the door.

Looking at it, trying to see what was going on. I saw my mother and Zayn talking then coming through the door together making me furrow my eyebrows together.

“Where have you been Nadia? It’s time to blow the candle. C’mon.” Mom asked and then waved her hand for us to follow her. Nadia gave me one last look as if pleading for me not to say anything so I nodded at her then she follow mom.

  Smiling at Zayn, I felt a little awkward as I tried to pretend like nothing just happened. He gave me a weird look that I couldn’t translate in return.

“Maggie,” He paused and looked at him suspiciously, “When you fled from the private area like that I got worried and I, erm, well, I followed you.”



It’s shorter than usual but meeeh. I did a double update :D

again, i don't know when i will have wifi ... sorry about that :( 

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