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Natalia's POV

I can't Remember the last time I looked at the clock but it was dark out I rarely seen any cars. Besides I should be at the Grill.
But who knows Damon might be there watching me like Hawk because of Stefan.
Or otherwise I could leave this shitty town move on not even speak to Elena again of course she will feel abandoned. Ah fuck everything life throws at you is filled with bitterness.
I tucked my hands in the pocket the grill was just ahead and I seen a Black Sleek car parked outside like the one I got a ride with Stefan an Damon. I sighed walking inside.
So many Teenagers where playing pool others where drinking or just eating dinner like a Date.
I seen that one Blonde kid who got me drinks the other night. I sat down at a table the candle was lit and there was a menu Placed down.
I opened it to distract myself. There was nothing good all they had was Fries and whatever the hell else they fucking Serve. I kept my head down thinking about my life.
"I finally found you after waiting a Couple hours." Damon said Cooly he slid into the chair slightly pulling my menu.
I looked up at him his brooding expression was odd. "Oh great".
I replied Sarcastically Damon looked away. "Ready to take you home after you're little Tantrum?".
My little tantrum? I've heard about yours Damon giving Stefan his Century of hell.
But yet I get the tantrums.
Damon said putting up Jazz hands. I shook my head sighing. "Why can't you leave me the hell alone". I spat Damon smirked looking around seeing young beautiful waitresses.
Carrying some food she smiled at Damon before he returned the look right at her. "Nah I came here to have a little snack".
Damon recalled I scoffed throwing down the Menu. "Like what blood or just Regular food?". I asked sounding like a smart ass.
He sat up taking his leather jacket off. "I'm here to drink and keep you from running away". I laughed folding my arms. Sure I guess if you can even Catch me.
"Good I like to see you try". I said sternly Damon smirked. "Ah you play games well shall we begin?". Damon asked I smiled a little.
"What's the Catch?".
I ask putting my hair behind my ear. "I'll give you a head start you only get 1 chance then you stay".
I took a deep breath an got up quickly as possible. "How much time?".
I asked again Damon didn't day anything. "45 seconds".
I nodded throwing on my coat and walked out of the grill. I put my hood on heading towards the alley.
It's been 20 seconds Fuck I'm not even that far. I started to sprint running towards the alley and into a Corner.
My phone was buzzing I looked at it.
Klaus was calling I looked behind me. It's been 45 seconds oh crap.
I ignored the call getting a Text. 'Where are you I'm worried so is Lavender'. Klaus texted i put my phone down. Peeking behind a corner I felt the wind swish. "Wow you're not good at running away". Damon said Sarcastically I glared at him he was tall to be honest so I looked up to him. "Wow gold stars for everyone you Prick". I said trying to walk away. His hand grabbed my arm.
"No I caught you so you're coming with me". I scoffed. "Yea right".
I replied Damon forcefully grabbed my arms pulling me. "Hey! Hey! Let me go!". I screamed a Couple of Teens walked by looking at me. "Did you here her man she said let her go".
One man said he had Nice green eyes he put his hand on Damon's shoulder.
Damon smirked fangs where showing and his veins Popped out under eyes.

His eyes turned red. "Wow I caught you and get me a Snack in Return".
Damon cooed he turned around grabbing the stranger. "Don't worry this won't hurt".
Damon said The man gasped. I didn't want to see this so I turned around running away. I started to sprint again I hated Damon he was just a Bastard I had to go because Damon feeding on a person in public is plain Stupid.
"Where are you going?". Damon yelled I looked back seeing the man deadly pale and Damon hanging on to his shirt.
Blood was dripping from his mouth so temping. I shook my head blinking. Before I even knew it I felt the wind hit me hard. I ran into Damon hitting my head into his Chest.
I blinked a few times rubbing my head. "Come on Let's go". Damon said I looked at him sighing.
Damon smirks grabbing my arm and yanking me towards him.
"Stefan is expected to be here which I don't see him". Damon replied I didn't care.
"Why can't you just kill me? Is it because I have a Human life to live?". I asked Damon grunted. We both where walking slow in the alley.
"No I don't want to Kill you it would hurt Elena's Family". Damon said I scoffed.
"Jeremy is a Vampire it won't matter to them anyways". I recalled Damon scoffed. "Jeremy did not have a Choice". Damon shouted yanking me towards him.
I looked at him Again seeing those Blue eyes. "Why did he become a vampire?". I muttered Damon sighed.
"Let's move from the Topic and go". Damon said why wasn't he giving me answers? Honestly Damon you are a Complicated vampire.
"I don't care anymore, Take me home well if I have one". I said Damon walked me to his car even though I could I have walked to The Mikaelsons.
Damon opened the door only to see Klaus sitting in his Driver seat.
"Would you be kind and let her go because I don't feel like Ripping anyone's Throat out today".
Damon scoffed looking at me. "You played me".
I shook my head. "I-I Didn't know he was going to be here".
I said stuttering a little.
Klaus smiled getting out of the car before eyeing me. Why would he be here I didn't call him, must have followed me today. Damn it
"Well I'll just take her off your hands we have some Important Business to discuss".
Klaus said Damon got up closer to him glaring at klaus. "Brother leave him alone And bring yourself to your will". Elijah called over I turned around its been awhile since Then.

"Can't you see I am Busy". Klaus spat I walked to Elijah. "What's wrong?". I asked Elijah looked on the ground before taking his eyes off me and grabbing my hand.
"Finn is dead". Well I didn't care I hardly knew Finn he was a Prick to me anyways.
"I'm sorry Eli". I said putting my hand on his shoulder. It's hard trying to comfort and Original vampire.
But it's not easy. "You're telling the truth that Only four Originals are alive". I said Elijah sadly nodded his eyes are watery. "Niklaus Your brother is mourning".
I said turning around Damon took 2 steps back before Klaus looked at me. "What is Katrina finally dead?". Klaus sarcastically asked I folded my arms. "Finn is dead".
Elijah sadly said. I looked on the ground. "I think it's Best Niklaus if our family heads home for awhile, You can even take Natalia".
Elijah said my eyes went wide. I couldn't head to New Orleans even if I did Klaus couldn't protect me. "She can stay Elijah that is no Place for a mortal".
Klaus said before looking at me. "Then it's Settled we will shortly be back in 2 weeks". Elijah said before looking at Klaus.
"We're taking Lavender witches Rule that town down there she can learn head on and become powerful".
They are not going to take lavender from me then again I could give Jenna another shot.
Or I could take off to New Orleans be there for awhile.
"No I want to go with you guys". I spat Klaus looked at me like he was staring into my soul. "Well brother I guess we all are going".
Klaus said Elijah grabbed Klaus's Arm. "Are you nuts What would do protect her?". Elijah asked I folded my arms.
"It beats Staying here".
I whisper yelled Klaus stared at Elijah. "What about Damon".
Elijah Pointed out Damon smirked trying to run away. Klaus ran towards him Grabbing Damon by the neck holding him.
"You will Forget about this whole Conversation and say Natalia ditched town". Klaus said he was using Compulsion on Damon good. "Understood?".
Damon nodded before Klaus snapped his neck and placed him in his car.

"Alright shall we started Packing?". Klaus asked Elijah walked in front of me eyeing Klaus. "We need to Discuss this at home". I did feel pity for Damon but he was a sick crooked man

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