Surprise Surprise

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(Hey guys this is going to be the Chapter where we lose some, but look at the Pic above in the middle of this Pages, and listen to this song about 2 times while reading during the dance! Anyways see you all later!)

Natalia's POV.

We only had three hours until the frickin Ball starts.
Everyone was at the Salvatore house to see what our job was during our plan to take lavender down and save Stefan whole guarding Tyler.
We stood together waiting for Damon to walk through in the door. Elena was sitting by herself on the couch. Bonnie sitting with Jeremy, Caroline talking with Tyler Lockwood. And Tressie was downstairs.
Doing something but I hope Damon would Introduce her to Elena soon. I stood there next to Enzo I guess he was my date to the ball because I had no one else to ask.
Well my mind in my own thoughts the picture of me standing beside my date how we will look.
I remember the one thing that Stefan told me.
There is nothing that is going to stop you, Natalia you are the better person. I blinked he was right.
I'm going to save Stefan Salvatore and hopefully he will forgive me. I looked at Enzo while he just walked around pacing back and fourth.
I sat down grabbing some bourbon. I felt eyes on me I looked up to see Elena looking at me.
She gave that look. 'Put the bottle down' look. I furrowed my brows. We had a Silent agreement with our faces and mouths.
I shook my head taking a big drink. The whiskey burned my throat sending a Stinging sensation through my nose. This is some good Whiskey but I would Rather prefer scotch.
The door bursted open I quickly turned my head while everyone got up. Damon smirked carrying a bag probably his suit. A figure followed behind him. It was Matt Donovan the guy I almost killed.
I gulped down staring at the face of one of my Victims. Damon had a smirk on his face he shut the door walking into the living room and placing his suit on his chair.
Matt followed only to go over and hug Elena. "Don't worry we will get him back". He said. Damon coughed a little making our attention go towards him.

I folded my arms paying Attention to Damon. "Alright so this is how it is all going to go down!".
He exclaimed clapping his hands. Tressie walked upstairs before seeing all of us standing together. "Great the whole Bunch is back".
She said Damon rolled his eyes before explaining the plan. "So gang.. Caroline stays by Tyler, Bonnie and Jeremy slowly follow behind. Elena and Matt you stay within Distance range of me and Tressie. And you".
Damon pointed at me. I gave him a Questioned look.
Enzo laughs. I nudge his shoulder telling him shut up.  "What about me Damon?".
I ask he tossed me a wooden stake. "Enzo will hide that in his Coat, you both will have to follow Tyler around stay from Far away Distance so none of this will look Suspicious". Damon said I nodded. "When I met lavender in a isolated place with Bonnie, she will Use her witch juice to politely knock her ass out or kill her".
Damon said. I got angry. "Damon lavender is my Friend, my Problem you can't just kill her!". I yelled.
He rolled his eyes sighing. "He's my brother! Not yours!". Damon replied.
I stepped up and Enzo out his arm in front of me. "You don't want to do that".
Enzo said. I glared at him. "You guys! Stop fighting! This needs better work at it Damon!".
Caroline shouted. I chuckled. Wow what a team! "Lavender is our Problem there is not going to be any killing! Why can't you slip some blood into her drink. Then yes maybe you can kill her".
I said. Damon looked intrigued a little like wow his mind was poof. "Always a loophole, seems like Elijah has Rubbed off you!".
Damon taunted me. I took a deep breath. "Better to be the noble man than a Killer.".
I replied Elena grabbed me hand she was trying to calm my nerves. "Alright how does Matt and Jeremy fit into this?". Enzo asks.
Damon quirks a little Tressie standing beside him. "He's a hunter, Matt is too! So bring your stuff have em on you all the time. And yeah that's the plan!". Damon says clapping his hands.
I shake my head pulling away from Elena holding my hand.
"And if things go south? Plan B?". I piped up Damon sighs.
"Let's just hope we don't go that way, or else we wing it". Damon replied. I nodded. "Meet back here 45 minutes before the dance starts".
Elena said. I nod.
I walked out with Enzo he told he needed my car to go get his suit town I didn't trust him. "Sorry Enzo just borrow one of Stefan or Damon's. I need to get ready".
I replied Enzo sighs before walking me to my car. "Alright but I'm driving you there no exceptions".
Enzo says. I laugh. "Yeah right! See you later!". I shout getting in my car and heading home.
Natalia's POV 7:26 pm

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