Family ties

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Natalia's POV. *Listen to the song towards the end*

My alarm went off beeping loudly. I turned over shutting it off I had some missed calls from Elena. I shut my phone off. She should really stop bugging me.
I looked over my shoulder. Klaus was sleeping next to me.
He was naked still from last night. I was tired but it was 10:00 am. Time to get up.
I sighed grabbing some cleans clothes and making my way towards the shower.
But before I did that. I locked the bedroom door. Just in case if anyone barged in.
I walked inside the shower running hot water. I looked in the mirror slightly cracking open the bathroom door.
My eyes stood out with my Features. My high cheek bones and plum lips. This was my life ruling with the originals and having such a Glamours life. I shook my head getting in the shower.
Today is going to be great and their is no more Trouble. Today is the day you can Call Elena and say hi. I walked inside the shower feeling the hot water hit my back.
It felt good. I grabbed some Strawberry scented Shampoo. I started to lather my hair.
Hearing the soap mush around then I scrubbed my elbows and made my way up to my neck.
I heard footsteps and the bathroom door opened. It was Klaus.
He had a huge black t shirt on that almost looked like a dress. I snickered before he shut the bathroom door. "Do you mind if I join love?". Klaus asked.
A cocky smirk on his face. I nodded and smiled slightly he threw off the shirt quickly and waltzed right in.
Klaus pinned me Against the wall he started to kiss my neck.
But right now was not the right time. His hands gracefully touched my back. I shut my eyes feeling the hot water hit us. I let out a soft moan and he knew that I was weak.
I opened my eyes. Klaus smiled Before planting his lips on me.
They where delicate even whenever Klaus touched me I always melted. I touched his hand feeling it and I swear I felt something vivid.
Klaus pulled away. "Klaus what's wrong?". I whispered.
He didn't say anything. "I have to meet with Marcel. We have to discuss some things. But I'll back love". Klaus said.
He kissed one last time. Before Turning his back on me. Then he was gone just like that leaving me by myself in the shower. I sighed.
But damn we Almost fucked in a shower.
Now that would have been Straight up fun. I smiled at that and hurried out of the shower. I got dressed putting on my makeup.

Elena's POV

Today was literally shit. I barely come home from school. And out of the blue Jenna tells me.
That me and Natalia are adopted. And i don't know who our real mom is. I sat in my room crying for the past half hour.
My life was a lie I needed comfort. So bad but how can I tell Stefan? What would he do and how so? I took a deep breath.
Sitting at the edge of my bed. Staring at Stefan's Number. Should I call him? I could stay in my room all day and try to figure out the possibilities. I shut my eyes. Feeling my eyes swell up. H-how will I tell Natalia?
My door was knocking i looked up. Who could it be at this time? I was done this was it! I got up opening the door. Only to see Stefan.
He looked depressed did he now what I was feeling? "Jenna. Uh called me. I'm sorry Elena". Stefan said. I started to cry. He pulled me into a hug while I dug into his shoulder.
He shut the door while we both walked over to my bed.
He sat down while I leaned against  him. "I-I can't feel". I said stuttering Stefan kissed my forehead. I clung to
Today was rough this was just too much just for a little girl to swallow. Oh god how will Natalia take this?
I shut my eyes remembering the last time we had a family meal. But Natalia never came back home.
I cried on Stefan's Shoulder while he held me. "Elena everything is going to be okay". Stefan replied.
I took a deep breath. Elena Stefan is here you should be fine. You will find your real mom.
"How do you that everything is going to be fine?". I ask. My voice sounding hoarse. Stefan stroked my hair. I sighed hanging onto his hand. "I just do. I'm always here for you".
Stefan said softly. I cuddled with him. I wonder what would happen if I could go back to the night we met.
He stayed with me even when Jenna came to check up on me.
Stefan helped me heal slightly. I fell asleep on Stefan's shoulder only to wake up a few hours later.

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