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"Lets just get the others and go home." I grabbed his hand and turned around to see Alfie. "What the hell happened!" He looked at Jake than me. "Someone who was stalking Kenna got shot." Jake said nonchalantly. "Yeah what he said." I looked down at the ground. "Lets just get the fuck back home." Alfie was calm now. Zoella walked out and looked at me and ran up and gave me a hug. "Thank God your alright!" She squeezes and lets go. "JOE GET YOU BUTT DOWN HERE AND LETS GO!" She yells so loud.Joe came running out with his suitcase in his hands. He threw the luggage into the trunk and climbed into the backseat. Jake and I slid into the backseat while Alfie and Zoella got in the front. Alfie drove to the airport and right when we got near the terminal the intercom came on. 'Flight 642 to London ready to board.' The intercom went silent and we started towards the terminal . HOME HERE WE COME, I just hope dad's okay.


The plane landed and we're going to get our luggage when I saw a familiar face. "AHHH! I screamed with joy and ran up to the girl. Betty Roma. My best friend. "Eek! Hey Kens!" Kens is my nickname she calls me. "Oh I have missed you so much Bee!" She hugged my tight than she saw the ring when I pulled away. "Don't yah think it is to early to get married?" She looked so confused. "It is a promise ring smart one." She stuck her tongue out and I giggled. "So who gave it to you?" I looked over at Jake. "OMG NO WAY! You guy are going out too right?" I nodded and she started jumping up and down and I started to giggle. She is such a drama queen. Jake came over and Bee and him hugged and said hi and talked for a bit. I whispered into Jake's ear. "Remember why we're here bebe.'' He nodded and we said bye. She told us bye and wondered around to a guy with a lot of dark colors. Jake kissed my cheek and came back to reality. "Knew that would work now don't make me get all jealous with you looking at that guy." I giggled and took his hand. "Who knew she would be into guys like that, that's why I was staring." I looked down at the floor.'' He stopped and I looked up at him. "Your right. Betty has never hung out with those types of guys." He looked at me. "Promise you wont hang out with those types of guys." I hugged him and kissed his cheek. "Promise." We started walking and saw Zoella, Joe, and Alfie in the car so we got in and went to the house.

I asked if Alfie can stop in front of the house and so he did. Me and Jake got out and ran into the house. "MOM!" I yelled and she popped her head out of the kitchen. She ran up and hugged me. "How is papa?" I looked her into the eyes. "Oh, well. You see he never had a heart attack. I just wanted you to come home. I missed you hunny bun." She moved in for a hug but I stepped backwards. "SO THIS WAS ALL A LIE JUST TO GET ME TO COME HOME! I HATE YOU!I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and when I finished I had tears streaming down my face. I ran upstairs to my room and slammed the door.


"How is papa?" She looked her mom in the eyes. "Oh, well. You see he never had a heart attack. I just wanted you to come home. I missed you hunny bun." She moved in for a hug but she stepped backwards. "SO THIS WAS ALL A LIE JUST TO GET ME TO COME HOME! I HATE YOU!I HATE YOU SO MUCH!'' Kenna had tears rolling down her face and when she was finished she ran upstairs to her room and slammed the door. Her mom started walking to the stairs. "STOP! Don't you think you did enough!" She looked at me and sighed. She stopped and went to the kitchen. I ran up the stairs and knocked.

"Bebs can I come in?'' I heard a faint 'Sure' so I opened the door and I couldn't see her. Oh that's right, she hides under her bed when she is scared, mad, or hurt. I crawled under the bed and saw her curled up into a ball. So sad.


Well hello there, I found out a good schedule for when to upload. I will upload on Saturdays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Perfect amount of time to write so yeah, tell me what you think of the schedule. Bai!!!

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