jughead ☼ you and i

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for the other the other parts of this imagine, please check the previous chapter/update

oh and Y/N means "Your Name", if you're new to this


I slowly open my eyes and smiled at the sight in front of me, Y/N sleeping soundly, curled up in my arms wrapped around her.

I push her hair off of her face, and gently kissed her forehead. She let out a slight groan before wiggling around my arms and laying flat on the bed. Finding the need for our bodies pressed together, with her warmth radiating to me, I burry my face in her collar bones.

After the first time we met in the airport, she gave me her number and I remember thinking that her face always seemed familiar- as if we've met before. But after a while I shook off the thought. You can't even imagine how thankful I was when I found out that she went to the same school as I did.

I walk through the hallways of school with my head down low, trying to seem unnoticeable.

"Jughead?" I hear an angelic voice say.

I snap my eyes to the person behind me, "Y/N?" I asked, confused, with a smile on my face.

I smile faintly at the memory, "Jughead, you're tickling me" Y/N giggled with her sleep still tangled in her voice. I smiled widely, burrying my face in the crook of her neck even more. She gigled, "Stop" tangling her finger in my hair.

I chuckled, pulling away. "So the queen's finally, awake." I said, chuckling.

"Queen, huh? I wonder who's my King?" she joked.

"I don't know, but I'm guessing it's a fellow with black hair, charming face, and a wonderful girlfriend." I said, following along.

"You got that, right." She said, smiling.

Soon, I plan to make her mine. Forever.

A few weeks ago I asked her parents, if I could propose and they where more than happy to let me. I already bought the ring and basically, everything is settled. If she says yes. And I'm really hoping she does.

I don't see the point in waiting any longer, when I know that she's the one. The one I want to wake up next to everyday for the rest of my life, the one I want to be the mother of my children my partner in crime, forever.

She soon got of the bed. "But Y/N" I whined. "We need to eat breakfast, Jughead. I just need to go to the grocery and cook. It'll be super quick I promise." She said, holding my cheeks, and kissed my forehead.

"Okay" I murmured, kissing her lips. "I love you" I said, I promised to myself that I'll remind hher that, everyday, even when we're fighting. "I love you too" she replied, making my stomach bubble.

"I'm just gonna change" she said, pulling away.

After a few minutes, she comes back in leggings and a sweater. "I'll be on my way now. Bye" she said. "Bye" I said,waving. She opened the door and went downstairs, I hear the shut of the door and silence once again, filled the house.

I walked out of the washroom, freshly showered. I opened the box that my mom sent, she told me to open it when I can. I opened the small box and there revealed a box filled with pictures and a note

Hey Jug,

I found these in your room, and I think it would be nice to look back a bit

Love, Mom.

Oh, Mom. I sat on the bed and looked through them.

I smiled faintly and saw a picture of Jellybean and I. It was when Dad finally fixed up and decided to stop drinking, Mom thought it was the right time to go back with Jellybean, and it was also the day I met Y/N.

The rest of the photos were a mix of baby pictures of Jellybean and I, a couple pictures of me in highschool with Archie, Betty, and Veronica, and there were pictures of Y/N and I, in prom, in dates, and there was one that was my favorite, a photo booth picture, I look at the picture, remembering that day.

I patted my pocket to make sure that the paper was still there, I sighed relief when it was. I've been checking my pocket every five seconds, nervously.

"Jug, look at the bear!" She screeched, I looked at where she was pointing and there was a life size teddy bear, sitting as a prize in one of the booths in the fair we were in.

"Do you want it?" I asked, she nodded shyly before I dragged her there. "Can I get a try please?" I asked the worker, she gave me 3 balls while I gave her the payment. There was a pyramid of cans in the booth and you have to knock the whole thing down with three balls, to get the bear.

5 tries, 15 balls, 5 undamaged pyramids later, I still didn't get the bear.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm really bad at this." I apologized, embarrassed that I couldn't win her anything. "It's okay, Jug" she said, "I want to try though" she said, pulling out her wallet , so she could pay. I stopped her and payed for her instead, "I'll pay, it's a date after all" I said, she blushed, adorably.

"Just to warn you, it's really hard, you have to get a goo-" I stopped midway my sentence when she knocked down the whole pyramid in one try. My jaw dropped, as the worker gave her the bear.

She smiled widely, hugging the bear. This girl never seems to stop surprising me. "How did yo- you know what? Never mind." I replied "I'm gonna name him T.D." she said. I laughed at her cuteness "Let's go to the photo booth, and take a picture with T.D. then." I suggested, feeling my pocket if it's still there.

We sat inside the booth, with T.D. between us, I dropped the payment in the slot, and waited for the camera.

For the first shot, I wrap my arms around her as we both smiled.

For the second shot, she stuck her tongue out at me while I scrunched up my face.

For the third to my surprise, she kissed my cheek.

For the forth and last, I kissed her, showing the camera the piece of paper.

I went outside of the booth, not waiting for her reaction. She soon came out, with a stunned look as I gave her, her copy of the pictures.

On the last picture, the paper said, "Will you be my girlfriend"

She stared at the last picture, and looked at me with a smile. "Yes" she screeched, wrapping her arms around me.

I smiled, reminding myself to thank Mom for this. I look at the last picture and furrowed, my brows.



well that was a weird ending, just continue reading the next part and u'll understand.

date written: march 28, 2017

word count (everything): 1145

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