Chapter 35

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Randhir came out from Arpita's room, he was quite disturbed by her behavior.

"Such a fool, I have to make her understand about the situation otherwise she will definitely do something foolish." Randhir shook his head.

"Aare kapde toh laya hi nehi, bhabhi se mangta hu." He said and went to Anjali's room.

Randhir came back to their room after take clothes from Anjali. But as soon as he entered saw Sanyukta on the bed beceme senseless.

"Sanyukta!" He let out a scream and rushed towards her. He patted her cheeks and take her name. He saw her tears drenched face and wiped them out. He then sprinkling some water on her face thus she opened her eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. Heard his scream everyone came there.

"Aare don't worry it's normal during the pregnancy." Anjali said thus Randhir felt relaxed a little.

"Achchha aab sab chalo, Sanyukta ko rest karne do." Renuka said.

"Beta aagar kuch vi chahiye hoga toh mujhe bolna, sharmana nehi." Renuka said thus Sanyukta nodded positively and they all left.

"Yeh lo bhabhi ne kapde bheja hain, change kar lo." Randhir said when Sanyukta get up slowly and went to the washroom. She came out after changing and sat on the couch.

"Come here and rest properly." Randhir said showing the bed when she said.

"I'm comfortable here." Randhir rolled his eyes to heard that.

"You must be comfortable but not my baby, come here and take rest." Randhir said firmly which was ignored by her.

Randhir rolled his eyes and get up and went to the couch and leaned down towards Sanyukta and picked her up in his arms. Sanyukta struggled to get down but his grip on her get tightened.

"Just leave me Randhir." She said helplessly when he placed her on the bed.

"Let the baby sleep now." Randhir said gaining a frown from her.

"I'm able to walk, you don't have to carry me." She said angrily.

"I'm carrying you because of the baby which is inside of you." She became quite all of a sudden to heard him. He adjusted her pillows and take the prescription to give her the medicine when she snatched the paper from him.

"I know what medicine I have to take so don't show your fake concern, okay!" She said irritatingly.

"I told you before that I'm showing my concern only for my child and the child is inside you so technically I have no choice but show my concern for you too, is that clear?" He said coldly when she turned her face to other side gulping her anger which was raising inside her. Just then the maid came with a glass of fresh mango juice.

"Have it, you have to take your medicines too." He said after the maid left.

"I don't like mango juice, I like orange juice." She said angrily.

"But I like mangoes so should the baby." He said firmly.

"But I want orange juice." She cringed.

"Look, this is not the season of oranges and I'm not allow you to take the packaged juice, that's not good for baby as well as you too, so shut up and drink the juice, have your medicines and get some rest. Don't make me keep an eye on you all the time." He said coldly.

Sanyukta wished to break his teeth right there but somehow she controlled her anger. She take the juice and gulped down the medicine along with it. Randhir left the room after that and she threw his pillow in frustration. Just few minutes back she was crying like hell and now she was frustrated. Is this called mood swings during the pregnancy? Was it continue for next nine months? Her mind lost into various thought.

Second Love (Completed) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें