Chapter Two - Hope for the End

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Leo's POV

One Month Ago

     "I want a rematch!" Takumi threw a fit as I had won my fifth chess match in a row. He groaned and looked at the board to double check to see if had cheated in some way, "I demand a rematch! Nohrian scum!" The white-haired male just frowned, his cheeks were puffed, and his lips were in a cute shape. I couldn't help but become flustered seeing this kind of reaction. It was priceless to see his hatred to lose.

     "That's the fifth time I won, Takumi. I don't think we can do one more. We're princes after all. We have duties around our castles that we must attend to." As much as I wanted to continue our game of chess, Takumi had to take his leave very soon. Niles and Odin were waiting at the doorway. I told my retainers to get ready to escort the Hoshidan lord to the horse drawn wagon, and they left to get check on the transportation. Takumi had to leave very soon, or else news of a missing prince would spread throughout both our countries.

     "I hate this."

     "Losing? It's natural to hate losing. I would be rather upset myself to lose a match against you."

     "That's not what I meant, Leo." As soon as he spoke those words, I knew what he meant, "This is wrong. I hate coming here in secret. It's wrong! Aren't you upset about this?" Takumi and I have been dating for six months, but we have only seen each other a couple of times when the conflict had calmed down enough to even dare to visit. The white-haired male held his hands in a prayer-like form, and placed his head down, "I just want these nightmares to end."

     "I hate this as well, but what can we do? All we can do is hope that this war ends peacefully." I pulled out the wooden chair, and sat down, "Takumi, I'll find a way for us to be together without the fear of being caught."

     Takumi smiled and just wrapped his arms around my neck. I ran my fingers through his silk hair, and comforted him the only way I knew how. Odin walked through the doorway, and explained that the wagon was ready to move out. I stood up and offered my hand to the Hoshidan prince, and I held onto his hand on our way out.

     The wagon was disguised a supply wagon. Bags of voluntaries, oaks, weapons, and other supplies laid in the back. The driver was disguised as a farmer. His true identity and class was a master ninja. They were masters of disguise and secrecy after all. If they were to be attacked, I had no doubt he would protect Takumi.

     "You'll be okay. There's plenty of food and water in the back for you for your trip back to Hoshido."

     "Thanks. I should get going now, huh?" I nodded. Takumi approached me and kissed my lips gently. I smiled and just held onto him. He hid in the back with all the supplies, and soon the wagon left for Hoshido.

     "Lord Leo, it's time to head back inside." Niles stood beside me, and gave me a smile, "You wouldn't want to be caught by your own spies now, right?" Niles had bribed the other spies and other units around camp to keep quiet of a wagon passing through. I couldn't be more grateful to have a retainer like him serving me.

     "I agree. Odin, you can rest easy now. I apologize for getting you two involved in all of this. After all, this is my trouble."

    "Nonsense. Seeing Lord Takumi makes you happy, does it not?" The blonde gave me a heartfelt smile, and Niles couldn't help but sigh. These two never once talked me out of seeing Takumi in fear of more fighting. Instead, they supported my decision like friends. They were more than just trusted retainers. They were my friends.

     "Thank you for everything." With that, the two of them escorted me back inside Nohr castle.

Takumi's POV

     "How long have you been a master ninja? Are shurikens difficult to use? Ryoma doesn't allow me near them for some reason, and it frustrates the hell out of me." The driver and I were making conversation on our way back to Hoshido. He informed me of his actual position as a master ninja. They were trained to be spies, and they're even powerful on the battlefield. He reminded me of two ninjas I knew back home.

     "I've been a master ninja for some time now, though I wouldn't say I'm a master of it. Shurikens? They're pretty easy to use once you get the hang of them," He reached into his pocket, and threw one of his shurikens to me, "Keep it. Maybe you can get someone to teach you how to use it. Prince Ryoma must be scared of you if he won't allow you to use shurikens."

     "Scared of me? No way. He's powerful. I'm nothing like my brother." I laid back, and glanced at the night sky, the very one Leo must be looking at right now. The night was peaceful minus the wheels on the dirt path.

     "You're his only brother, correct? He must be scared of being outdone by his younger sibling. As an older sibling, it must be a fear of his. That's why sibling rivalries happen." It made sense what he was saying, but I didn't want to believe such things. Was I seen as a challenge to Ryoma? The thought of that made me smile.

     "How long till we reach Hoshido?"

     "Three days if nothing goes wrong. I know many shortcuts after all."

     "That's good. I would like to be there as soon as possible. I don't think my siblings will believe I've been hunting for weeks straight."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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