Ch.10: Darrell

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Darrell's P.O.V

*Two Weeks Later*

     I'm on a family vacation with my mom and my little brother. I haven't talked to Ray as much because my mom wants us to spend quality family time together. I told him I'd be gone for about 2 weeks and he wasn't to thrilled. Anyways, I guess I never really said anything about them. My little brother is 13 and his name is Emmanuel. He's always been a good kid, I just had to watch out for him alot because of the things he does.

     He's always been a A/B student and gave teachers not trouble (at least none that we kno of). He can be sneaky at times due to previous events that I've caught him in the act. (NOT THAT WAY!)

     As far as my mom she my mom. She's always been my rock and somebody to lean on. Her and my dad never really got along. They did at one point when I was younger but they slowly faded off of each other when my mom left with me and my brother. I was 4 while Emmanuel was 6 months. After a while I heard my dad got a girlfriend and another baby. Idk how old he or she is but I have another brother or sister.

     Its been a total of 12 years since I've seen my dad. I haven't came into contact with him and he hasn't tried to contact my mom, at least thats what I've been told.

"Darrell!!" my mom yelled my name.

"Huh ma!"

"Come down here and eat."

     I scramble off the couch in my room to go downstairs. Now remind you we're at a vacation home and the rooms are pretty big and most of them have connected bathrooms and a couch or 2 in them.

     I walk up the hallway towards the kitchen to my moma finishing cooking and Emmanuel sneaking trying to eat some food.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you." my mom towards Emmanuel not turning around.


"You betta watch yo before I slap you."

     I laugh at the thought of him getting slapped.

"Good afternoon. Have a seat the food is almost ready." my mom kissed me on the cheek and I sat down.

     Emmanuel tried to take another piece sausage but my moma came behind and slapped the back of his head.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Because I told you to stop trying to get some food. Now since you want some food so bad how about you say grace."

"Ugh-ok?" he took a pause a cleared his throat, "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this delious food we are about to receive and please don't let my mom slap me again AMEN."

     I laughed a bit before digging in. We didn't say much. We were all indulging until mom broke the silence.

"Boys we're staying for a few more days."

"Why?" I asked with a partial attitude.

"First off lose the tude, second I just wanna spend more time with my boys in peace." she rubbed our heads messing up our hair.

"Mom stop!" Emmanuel and I said in unison.

     We finished eating and ma cooked me and Emmanuel had to clean up.

"Darrell I gotta ask you something." he said while scratching the back of his neck.

"Ok?" I said nervously.

"So its this girl.... and um... well.... I sorta kinda may or may not have a crush on her.

"Well do you or do you not?" I said putting the dishes down the wipe my hands.

"I do but its just..."

"Its just what Emmanuel? Spit it out!"

"Its just I'm scared to talk to her. Like what if someone says something about it."

"Well what's her name?"

"Dereka." he said hesitantly.

"Well not the prettiest of names. Do you have any classes with her?"

"I have gym, English, and Math with her."

"Well are you too friends?" I said going back to washing the dishes.

"We've talked before but nothing to major."

"Well until you have a real conversation with her then you won't kno what to do. Talk to her and get to kno THEN you can make a move. Until then figure out how your gonna talk to her."

     He stood there and I think thought to himself. He then opened his mouth...

"I got it I'll hit her up and ask her do she wanna hang out after school when I get back. Thanks big bro." he came and hugged me then went to his room to I think call her.
Thanks for leaving me alone with all these dishes to wash Emmanuel!

Authors Note: The next chapters will be kinda short. It just focuses on each character individually.

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