Ch.9: Rocky Love

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Darrell's P.O.V

     Have you ever felt empty? Like no-one was there to save you? Like you were all alone and trapped?

     Waking up from my dreams in the middle of the night have me mad and happy at the same time. Sometimes I have good dreams and even tho I don't wanna wake up from them I'm glad I can remember them. This one dream I just had was amazing. Of course it involved my baby Ray...

     Its just something about him that has me head over heels for him. We haven't fucked but we have shared a kiss. We've been on dates and they've been the best ones ever. I just feel real comfortable when I get aeound him. My body relaxes, my mind focuses on him, and all I can do is smile and laugh. That lil boy has me sprung. Everything head to toe on him, his personality, his common sense, him always being there just makes me feel special.

     I walk into my favorite store to get my artist supplies. I'm a huge painter and drawer so I always need to restock on my supplies. Maybe I should start buying big packs of stuff so that way I'll have enough and won't keep spending my money every few days.

     As I walk out of the store I look to my right and see Ray. I was about to call his name until I see him walk up to some dude sitting on the hood of his truck. I try not to get speculations but it just happened so I hid behind a wall just so Ray can't see me but I can still see him.

"Who the fuck is this dude," I say to myself. "He looks familiar but I can't seem to put a name to him."

     They exchange a conversation and the guy sitting on the truck hands Ray a black box. They hug and then he leaves. As I was about to walk over to where they were the guy pulls off and I'm left standing and wondering who that guy was.

Ray's P.O.V

     I arrive home and I smell chicken. Of course ya boy loves him some chicken.

"Where the foo-" I stop in my tracks because I see Evan and Chris on the couch.

"Evan, why is he here?"

"He's my homie, I can't have him around?'

     I think should I tell Evan what really happened and let him beat Chris ass or should I let him find out so he can beat Chris ass even worse... hmmm decisions decisions.

"You can. I'll just be here for a short time I'm going somewhere in a little minute." As I say that I stroll off to my room. I get underdressed and re-dressed and grab my phone and head out to Darrell's house.

"I'm surprised Chris didn't try to come and talk it out with me. Maybe he's scared and kno if I tell Evan all hell is gonna break lose." I smile and hop in my uber on its way to Darrell's.

Darrell's P.O.V

     I txted Ray telling him to come over cause we needed to talk. I cleaned my room and half the house. My mom is gone so I'm gonna have the house to myself. I set up some candles, movies, snacks, pillows, blankets, and ordered some chicken wings since ik how much Ray loves em. I'm gonna have him thinking everything is all ok and then pop the question on who thay dude he was with is.

"Hey baby," I open the door and kiss Ray as I let him in and he puts his jacket down. His face was priceless when he saw everything that I did for him.

"You did all this for me?" he asked while grabbing his chest.

"Yes I did. Your my special baby," I walk behind him and hug him while kissing his neck and head. He tried to stop me but I was stronger than he was.

"And you got some wings and some movies! You tryna get some tonight?" We both share a laugh.

"No I'm not, but we do need to talk."

"Well can we talk after I eat cause you kno I'm hungry." We both laugh.

"Sure babe."

     As we finish eating his phone vibrates and he smiles while reading the txt message.

"Who's that?" I ask only to have Ray put his phone up.

"Oh its nobody special."

     So why did you smile so hard?

"Ray what I wanted to talk to you about was I sa-" I was cut off by Ray.

"Wait before you tell me I have a surprise for you."

     He gets up and walks over to his jacket and takes out that black box I saw earlier. He puts it right down infront of us and looks at me.

"What's in it," I ask picking up the box trying to see how heavy it is.

"Just open it silly."

     I slowly open the box to make sure it isn't something that'll kill me. To my shock its a Rolex. How the hell did he manage to get this?

"Surprised?" he ask showing off that cute smirk.

"Well my brother friend Ken bought it for me to give to you. He asked what I wanted for my bday and I told him a Rolex, only for it to be for you."

"So that's who that was." I say to myself, or at least I think.

"Who what was?" Ray asked.


"Darrell don't lie to me." He said with his arms folded.

     I take a deep breath... "Well today when I was leaving the store I saw you talking to Ken and he looked familiar and I see now why. Me and him have seen each other at the store and around school, I just couldn't put a name to him. I didn't kno why you were talking to him and then him giving you the black box and then you hugging him made me think. I didn't think you were cheating, thats the last thing I'll ever think. I just thought you were hiding something from me and I just don't want that. I want you to tell me anything and be comfortable but now I see why you didn't tell me, cause its a fuckin Rolex." We both shared a laugh and Ray kissed me on my cheek.

"Darrell I would never hide anything from you unless it's a surprise about something. I don't like secrets and neither do you. I'll always tell you something if you want to kno something." he put his pinky up, "Pinky promise me that we'll never hide anything from each other."

     I put my pinky up and we pinky promised and ended it with a kiss.

"Now can we watch some movies and cuddle."

"Yes we can."

     I put on a movie and me and Ray sat there and cuddled the entire time.

"Ray... I just want you to kno that I love you."

     He looked me in my eyes...

"I love you to Darrell."


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