Chapter 5

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Jane's pov

We all stood up with gasps and Balthazar began to snarl. Dale was growing furious, more than ever. I had never seen him this way. Lisa said something to him in a different language, I couldn't understand, but it seemed like she was trying to sooth him and try to calm him down.

"We should get you two out of here." Nathan approached Ivory and I.

"No, wait." I stopped him, I didn't want to leave my brother.

"There was no need to get violent." Balthazar snarled at Dale. I got feel Lisa getting anxious and scared for him. She held onto his arm.

I was nervous I didn't want anything to happen but we all knew that something major would happen.

"James!" I screamed. One of the other vampires from Balthazar's side attacked my brother. Dale fought back. Soon there was chaos. People were screaming and running all over the place. Jeremy and Dale fought off the rest of the coven members from Balthazar's table that were coming over.

"Jane!" My brother screamed for me. "Go!" He yelled.

"No!" I wanted to cry, I wanted to let all my emotions out, but I couldn't. Instead I fought back. The vamp that seemed to be glued onto James wouldn't get off. I gave him my all, I through punches at him, kicked him, and tried to pull him off.

He let out a loud growl and faced me, all of a sudden I was pushed by him all the way across the restaurant. My head banged against the wall, but I got up in a swift movement. Lisa came by my side.

"Jane, Ivory and you have to leave." She pleaded me. Nathan will take you both."

"No, James..." I trailed off.

"I know, we can handle it." She said.

Suddenly I saw that my brother was being held my two of Balthazar's people and a girl came in the way.

"No!" I shrieked. "Stop, please!" I begged them. Before I could get any closer Nathan had grabbed me and ran out the door with Ivory running behind him. We were travelling at a fast speed towards the forest behind the building but I stopped him.

"What are you doing?" Concern clearly on Nathan's face.

"How could you expect me to leave James like that?" If I were human my entire body must've been dehydrated from all the tears I'd let go.

"I can understand but trust me they have it under control. I just have to make sure that you two are safe-" Nathan stopped abruptly, and Ivory and I knew why. The three of us looked around for where that rustling came from.

"Someone was following us." Ivory stated the obvious.

"No shit." Nathan said. "Run." That's all he said. In only two seconds the three of us were at super speed, but whatever or whoever was behind us was even faster. While I was running I noticed that no one was around me. I stopped running.

"Ivory! Nathan!" No response. "Guys where are you?" Still no response. What's going on?

I heard the same rustling noise again, whoever was following the three of us in the first place had followed me. 

I looked around and saw a tall figure, I ran again but the person had gotten even closer to me. I tried to hide somewhere, there were only trees and bushes. I ran around and looked for a place, any place. I was lost I couldn't see where I was and to make things worse, my senses were blocked. For some reason I couldn't narrow my eyes to see far, or hear sounds from far. I was feeling sick to my stomach, thinking about James fending off the Donovans along with Dale, Lisa and Jeremy. How could I let Nathan drag me away like that? It made me mad. 

Wait... he's getting closer I heard a crack, like a twig break. The leaves began to rustle as the cool night breeze whistled through the air. "Who's there?" I asked. "Come out! Show yourself!" I screamed scared for my life. I knew that Balthazar had sent someone after me. 

All of a sudden I saw him, I couldn't move. Me feet wouldn't allow me. He did the same and stayed put. There were a couple feet of distance between us, he stood there and watched me. I couldn't read the expression on his face clearly, scared, nervous, worried or ashamed? I couldn't tell. But one emotion was for sure present between the both of us... Infatuation.

He made me feel... so lively but dead at the same time? Wait! He's my enemy! What am I thinking?

With not a second to spare I ran away, a strange force pulling me back but I kept running. God knows where I am right now this place is not familiar at all. 

I stopped at looked back, I couldn't keep running. So I hid behind a tree. I could hear him walking towards me as if he knew that I was hiding. Why didn't he attack me yet? 

I turned around and we were face to face. Only a branch separated our bodies. His hand had grabbed onto one of the branches and he leaned in to get closer, I was panicking and backed away. He seemed offended, still not saying a word. 

"I will not harm you." His manly voice said, he sounded soft hearted, gentlemen like. 

I backed away even more, but I didn't realize that I had a long cape. I tripped over it but swiftly got back on my feet. He had approached me to help but I didn't need it. "I can handle myself." I said rudely compared to how he had spoken to me. 

"Look, I know what you think about the Donovans and I do not blame you from running but-"

"Why didn't you attack me?" I interrupted. Truly curious about his actions as stupid as the question may sound. 

"I-" He didn't have a response. 

I ran close to him with anger and tackled him to the ground. I didn't care that I was on top of him. "Do not consider me being weak, just because us Romeros do not attack humans does not mean that we can't be a threat to people like you." I said through gritted teeth. While I held his soft button up shirt. 

He quickly got up and pushed me up against a tree, I let out a grunt. "And do not consider me to be the kind to suck the mortality out of every living soul." He said back emphasizing on the word suck while almost humping me with a jerk. 

I let out a sarcastic chuckle and pushed him off me. He flew back but instead of hitting himself against the tree he stopped him self by applying a self break and causing the dirt and mulch to go flying. "Why is Balthazar after me?" I questioned agitated. 

He came closer to me, and I surprisingly didn't back away. He wasn't walking closer to me to intimidate me but just simply to get closer. "You can ask him yourself." He replied simply he got closer, our torsos touched. 

"You think that I would let you take me?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Do not underestimate me." I warned. "You Donovans make me sick." I said in disgust.

I sensed someone coming, so did he. "Not all Donovans are what you think." He said whispering in my ear, his breath ticking me. We had an intense gaze, we couldn't keep our eyes off of each other. Suddenly I felt faint, my body losing all of it's strength. My eyes feeling heavier than ever. 

"Jane!" Both of us jerked our heads up.

He quickly moved away from me and ran away. "Wait." I said loudly in the beginning but said quietly after. Why would I want him to stay? 

"Jane!" I heard Nathan. 

"Natha-" I grabbed my throbbing head and let out a shriek in pain. I fell to the ground. I heard Nathan and Ivory running to help me but i blacked out until then. 

All I remember was Nathan and Ivory's worried faces. 

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