Chapter 12

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Adams pov

The second she left I felt empty. I felt a hollowness in my heart. I stared at the door for a while until, 

"Are you okay?" Dawn put a hand on my shoulder. "It was her, right?" She asked with a faint smile, I turned around and nodded my head. Her eyes softened, feeling my pain. 

I let out a loud sigh, "I think we will be friends." I tried to give her a smile back. 

"Well, whatever happens, just know that I'm always here for you." I turned around and gave her a hug nestling my head in the crook of her neck. 

"You're the best." I mumbled deeply. 


"Where are we going?" I asked softly to a girl in front of me.

We were walking down a trail, usually where people would go for hiking or a run. It was bright and sunny but that didn't affect me since most vampires are day walkers. That's only if you know where to find the right witch. 

"Where are we going?" I asked again, this time a little impatient. She wouldn't reply to me, looking at her back didn't help me from finding out who she was. 

"Who are you?" I asked. 

"That does not matter, what matters is that I am not Jane." She said with fury. 

I stopped walking which caused her to stop walking, she stood still in her tracks. I slowly walked around her, slow enough to create suspense for myself. 

"Hello Adam." She had a mischievous smirk on her face, Ava. My Ava. 

I put my hands on each side of her face and caressed her, staring deeply into her doe eyes. 

She stared back at me through her long lashes and let out a crackling laugh, I was confused. There was an evil glint in her eyes. Before I could ask her anything she attacked me, started feeding on me.


I woke up gasping for air, cold sweat running down my forehead. 

"Are you okay?" I stared into the darkness of my room to see where the voice came from. I saw Dawn sitting on the lounge chair. 

"How long have you been stalking me for?" I scratched my head while sitting up on my bed. 

"Okay, first of all, I wasn't stalking you. And second, I've been here ever since you started moaning 'Ava, no, Ava come back.' You have separation issues my friend." She said mockingly. 

I frowned and looked down at my hands. 

"I'm sorry." She sighed. "What happened?" She asked. 

"Bad dream." I replied sadistically. 

"You can tell me if something is bothering you." She said. 

I looked at her from across my room, patiently waiting for me to say something. 

"Ava. She was in my dream." I paused for a moment and Dawn uncrossed her legs. "We were walking uphill on a trail. It wasn't somewhere from here. I thought it was someone else." 

"Jane?" Dawn questioned me and I nodded. 

"But it was Ava, and when I looked at her lovingly she just-just looked evil. Like it was Ava on the outside but inside, it was someone else." I explained and furrowed my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" 

"I was confused too, it was like she was Ava, but her personality-it wasn't." I tried to explain. 

Dawn sat there and stared at me, she was trying to understand what I was saying and tried to make sense of it.

"I understand what you're saying, but do you think that this dream means something?" She asked me. 

"I don't know, there wasn't anything significant that had happened." I said. 

"Adam," She called my name, she said my name with a little caution. As if she was about to say something that would hurt me.

"Yes?" I replied. 

She got up from the lounge chair and waked towards my bed and sat down in front of me. 

"How did she die?" She asked me, and I froze in my spot. I never told anyone how my sweet Ava had died. I was afraid to tell anyone, all I said was that she died- I never mentioned how. "I'm sorry," She stumbled with her words, "I-I shouldn't have asked that. I am so sorry." She started rambling on and on. 

"It's ok. I haven't told anyone because I was scared. But I trust you Dawn, you don't understand how much importance you hold in my life." I said genuinely meaning every word. 

"Aww, Adam. You're my big brother, why wouldn't I be here for you?" She said holding my hand. I gave her a smile. 

I let out a sigh and began the story of how I lost everyone I loved. "It was 1714 when I saw my mother and the love of my life get killed." I was choking up just thinking about it. 

"How?" Dawn asked since I wan't saying anything. 

"Benjamin and Balthazar." I said barely audible. 

Dawn's mouth dropped open and stayed that way. I could understand why she was shocked, Benjamin had been disowned by the Donovan's but Balthazar. He played a fatherly figure for her. 

"I...I" That was all she could say, "Adam, I'm so sorry. How are you even... What I mean is, how are you so nice to him?" Her eyes started tearing up. 

My eyes were fixed on my hands. How was I nice to him? Shouldn't I be like Talon?

"You know what Adam?" I looked up at her. "You are very strong. You are the strongest man I know, and the fact that your life has been an emotional roller coaster, makes you stronger." We laughed at the emotional roller coaster comment. 

"I sometimes do regret becoming a Donovan. But for some reason I felt like it was the best for me. And also that this was the only way that I would survive. Maybe it was because of what Ava had said to me before she died?" 

"What did she say?" Dawn leaned in closer. 

"She said that this isn't the end, that we will see each other again in some shape or form." I told Dawn as I heard Ava's voice in my head, word for word. 

"Do you still love her?" Dawn asked. 

"She's dead." I replied. 

"I know that, but what about Jane?" I didn't know what to say. 

"I don't know anymore." I said. 

"Well, you have infinity amount of lifetimes to find your match so don't worry about it." She smiled. "Besides we have a big day tomorrow, you need your sleep." 

"What's tomorow?" I asked. 

"Our first training day with the Romero's." She smiled goofily. "Goodnight Adam." 

"Goodnight Dawn." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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