Chapter 6

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Adam's pov

Alex stood up infuriated just like the rest of us, I couldn't believe what just happened. The other two men also had stood up, Balthazar's anger grew I could just feel it. The restaurant had fallen silent and people started to leave, I could understand that they didn't want to get involved in this. 

"Alex, do not interfere." Helen told him but he didn't listen, his anger got the best of him. He sped his way to Balthazar and tightened his knuckles. I could hear them cracking from where I was. Balthazar held his hand up to stop Alex, Dawn walked over as well and stood behind Alex. Talon and Dusk looked like they were least bothered about any of this. But when Dawn decided to step forward Dusk showed a little expression. Soon enough chaos had begun, I think we all saw it coming. Everything was happening too fast people started to flee the restaurant and the vamps started to fight with Balthazar and Alex. 

It got very serious, Alex pushed one of the girls across the room. "Alex!" I screamed at him. How could he do that, she was not doing him any harm. Us Donovans try to demolish anyone and anything. I try to avoid such things but I can only do so for long. 

"Adam." Helen plead. "Please do something, I  can not bare to watch you all in pain. There is so little that I can do." She said with sorrow filled eyes. 

I rested my hand on her's, "Don't worry, nothing will happened to us." I assured her. Sometimes when I look at Helen, I see myself in her. She has the same way of thinking as I do. She does not wish for any harm and does not want to hurt others. All she wants is to 'live' happily with her family. 

"Adam!" Balthazar called me in a harsh manner due to his anger. I ran towards him. 

"Yes?" I asked. 

"Chase them! Follow them and bring the girl to me!" He said boiling with fury. 

I narrowed my eyes at the girl, she was being dragged away with two others. "But I-" I tried to get out of chasing people again. 

"No! You can not keep denying what you are Adam. You are a Donovan, you must do as I say!" He demanded, I could not say no to him. But I simply nodded my head and ran as fast as I could. My senses had tracked down her scent I narrowed my eyes on her. She ran as fast as she could, her hair flowing freely against the mountainous breeze. I truly do love to run this way, the sudden pump of adrenaline that rushes through my body. My senses were enhanced, better than any humans, almost better than an animals. I could smell her. Her sugary spicy scent, not the typical sweet kind. I followed the three down their tracks but stopped. I kept my eye on her, the one Balthazar wanted me to capture. I hid behind a tree and heard the group of three talk about hearing someone following them. I could've captured her, even though I didn't want to but the boy and the girl with her seemed vigilant. I didn't want to get into any fight because I don't want to hurt anyone. 

They began to run again faster than ever, I can not explain to you how bad I feel doing what i'm doing. Wait, they split up, this is my perfect chance she's alone now.  "Who's there?" I heard her voice and some how it sent chills down my spine, being so cold already I do not understand how that was possible. "Come out and Show yourself!" She yelled desperately yet scared. Why was she scared. She suddenly brought her attention to me, she spotted me. Her intense gaze froze me in my spot. We were a few feet away from each other. 

I tried to approach her but my feet wouldn't allow me. I could see the expression on her face, scared, worried curious, wonder. Yet I kept a cold hard facing trying to hide my painful self. Vampires can reflect their emotions, and can also hide them. It is very difficult for me to hide mines because they are so strong. But the girl looked like she wasn't aware or forgot about this, she let her emotions flow right into me, almost naked not covering herself. Even after she expressed all of these emotions, one was definitely clear. I was present between the both of us... Infatuation.

She began to run away from me again, but she looked back as if she did not want to. She looked back and hid behind a tree. I ran up to the tree and saw her back faced towards the trunk, she rested her back on it. Her hair flowing in the mountainous air. I placed my hand on the branch and took in her sweet and spicy scent. She whipped her hair and turned around to face me.

I had the urge to lean in and get closer, and closer. She panicked and backed away. "I will not harm you." I assured her, softly and surly. I really did not want to but I had no choice. She backed away even more but then tripped on her cape, I was about to help her but she swiftly got back up, not touching the ground.

 "I can handle myself." She said rudely.

"Look, I know what you think about the Donovans and I do not blame you from running but-"

"Why didn't you attack me?" She interrupted. 

"I-" I did not know what or how I would tell her that I am not what she thinks I am. I am not like the others. 

She ran close to me with anger and tackled me to the ground."Do not consider me being weak, just because us Romeros do not attack humans does not mean that we can't be a threat to people like you." She said through gritted teeth while holding the collar of my shirt. 

I quickly got up and pushed her up against a tree, she let out a grunt (a sexy grunt). "And do not consider me to be the kind to suck the mortality out of every living soul." I said back emphasizing on the word suck while almost humping her with a jerk. 

She let out a sarcastic chuckle and pushed me so hard that I flew back but instead of hitting against the tree I stopped myself by applying a self break and causing the dirt and mulch to go flying. "Why is Balthazar after me?" She questioned agitated. 

I came closer to her, and she surprisingly didn't back away. I wasn't trying to intimidate her but just simply to get closer. "You can ask him yourself." I replied simply, our torsos touched. 

"You think that I would let you take me?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "Do not underestimate me."  She warned. "You Donovans make me sick." She said in disgust now she crossed the line.

I sensed someone coming, so did she. "Not all Donovans are what you think." I said whispering in her ear seductively. We had an intense gaze, we couldn't keep our eyes off of each other. Suddenly she started to sway side to said and furrowed her eyebrows holding her head. I know that I had something to do with it. I heard the others from her coven get closer.

"Jane!" Someone cried out to her. Jane. Her name is Jane. 

"Jane!" I heard it again. Before anyone would attack me I ran away, I did not want to leave her that way but I had no other choice. 

When I got back home, I found everyone sitting in the family room waiting for me. And they were not pleased with me returning empty handed. 

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