1. Sue's Decision

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"Dead man walking," Becky announced as Mr Schue entered Acting Principal Sylvester's Office.

"Ah, Butt Chin. You're late. Take a seat," Sue said with, well... glee.

"Thanks," Mr Schue replied, unsure what was coming next.

"There's no easy of saying it, so I'll just come out with it. I'm shutting down the Glee Club. You have 24 hours to wind it up."

"WHAT??!!" Mr Schue exclaimed, with a look on his face that suggested he'd just been told his hairdresser had run out of curling rollers.

"Don't 'what' me," Sue replied. Sue hated being 'whatted'. "The correct response is 'I beg your pardon your highness, would you mind please repeating that.' You heard me correctly. I'm shutting down the Glee Club."

"But... but," Mr Schue stammered, lost for words. "How... why... you can't!"

"Oh... actually I can... and I am." Sue was really starting to enjoy herself now.

"But you're only Acting Principal," Mr Schue protested. "Surely Principal Figgins should be making important decisions like this."

"I think you'll find the Mental Health Board still hasn't cleared Principal Figgins to return to duty," Sue said with an evil smile.

"We all know you slipped LSD into Principal Figgins coffee!" Mr Schue exclaimed.

"You have no proof," Sue said calmly. "Besides, it's not uncommon to see fairies at the bottom of the school garden. How is Klaine by the way?" Sue was clearly an equal opportunity offender.

Mr Schue ignored Sue's comment. "Nationals are next week. You know how hard the kids have worked. They'll be devastated." Mr Schue said, still in a state of shock.

"Ah, Will," Sue replied softening slightly. "You know how it is. Budget cuts and all that. Somethings gotta give. It's either the Glee Club or the Synchronised Swimming team. And you know how much I like seeing kids almost drown.

Besides, I already have plans for the choir room. I'm turning it into a museum when I become President. You know, it will be a shrine to my greatness. People will flock to see the first female President's used tissues and strands of hair. Not to mention my tracksuit collection. You know Ohio needs a decent tourist attraction, after all."

Mr Schue looked dumbfounded. He always knew Sue was on the edge, but this time she had gone too far.

"You won't get away with this," Mr Schue said.

"The decision has already been made, I'm afraid," replied Sue. "Unless, of course you can find a generous benefactor who is willing to donate $10,000 within the next 24 hours."

Mr Schue sighed. "You know you're evil, don't you, Sue?"

"I try." Sue said seriously. "How boring would life be if it was all unicorns pooping rainbows?"

"Well, unless there is anything else..." Mr Schue began, all of a sudden eager to get out of there.

"Actually, there is." Sue replied. "I'm removing you as History teacher. Congratulations, Will, you are now William McKinley High School's new math teacher."

"But I don't know anything about math," Mr Schue protested, thinking this day could not get any worse.

"Well, you had better start brushing up on your ABCs or whatever they teach in math these days," Sue deadpanned.

Mr Schue got up to leave. "Don't think you've heard the last of this, Sue."

"Of course I haven't Will. I'm at a regional school principal's meeting for the rest of the day, so I'll be announcing it tomorrow. But to prove that my heart is still beating, you can give the Glee Club a heads up today."

"Hope your broom doesn't run out of gas on the way there," Mr Schue muttered under his breath.

"What was that?," Sue asked innocently.

"Nothing," Mr Schue replied almost too quickly.

Mr Schue got up to leave.

"Oh, by the way Will, I think you'll find the only witches around here are the ones where I ask myself 'which way can I screw with William Schuster next'."

With that, Mr Schue left Sue's office. Normally he would be looking forward to Glee Club. Now he was dreading this afternoons lesson. Telling the Club they were going to be shut down was going to be one of the hardest announcements of his life.

AN: My creative consultant is SwiftieGleek27

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