14. The Dance Off

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After Glee Club practice ended for the day, the New Directions hung around trying to work out how to get revenge on Sebastian.

"How about I just go over there and go all Lima Heights on him?" Santana offered.

"How about No," Kurt replied.

"Why not? It's a perfectly good idea!" Santana replied.

"It's a terrible idea," Kurt replied.

"You don't get to just say No," Santana said bossily.

"What Sebastian did affected all of us, so I'm allowed to have a say. I say No," Kurt retorted.

"Kurt..." Santana began.

Before she could continue, Kurt patted the seat next to him. "Let me introduce you to my good friend No," he said.

"Maybe we can compromise," Santana said.



"No is a magical word. Here's how it goes. You say 'Kurt, I have an insane suicide plan. Would you like to help me carry it out?' and I say 'Why... No!'"

"Well, do you have a better idea?" asked Santana.

"Actually, I do," Kurt replied. "We're not going to beat Sebastian by playing dirty, but we are going to beat him. I'm thinking of a dance off."

"Great," Santana replied sarcastically. "So, it will be disco balls at ten paces?"

"It's not like that. Look, what I'm thinking is that we go to Sebastian with an offer. If the Warblers win the dance off, then we'll forget the whole thing. However, if we win, then we get Sebastian for Nationals," he explained.

"And if Sebastian doesn't agree..." Santana asked.

"Then we'll tell him you'll go full Lima Heights on him. That should be enough to get him to agree," Kurt smiled.

"With me making sure Santana does a good job," Puck added. "I know a thing or two about about intimidating people."

"Whatever, Puck. As long as I go first. Well, do we all agree?" Santana asked around.

"I like the idea, I just don't understand what going Lima Heights means," Rachel said. "But coming from you, it does sound kinda scary. However, I think threatening to go to the Principal should be enough to get him on board without any violence."

"I don't see how he can say no," Tina agreed. "We almost lost Puck, so it's only fair they could lose Sebastian."

"So, are we all in agreement?" Kurt asked.

"Sounds good to me," Quinn said.

"Me too," Artie added.

The others nodded in agreement.

"Well, it looks like we all agree," Kurt said. "I'll let him know what we propose."

"Actually Kurt, I should talk to him," Blaine said. "He's kind of a friend, so he's more likely to listen to me. And besides, I got us into this mess, so I should get us out."

Sebastian was surprised - but happy, to hear from Blaine. However, his happiness quickly turned to denial, then anger, then finally to acceptance when he admitted what he had done.

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