21. The Washup

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Principal Figgins was back at work the next day. He was extremely busy, having back to back meetings and a stack of paperwork to get through.

His first meeting was with Mercedes and Sam as co-captains of the Glee Club.

Mercedes had been offered the role of co-captain shortly after Rachel had decided to try out for 'We Will Rock You,' while Sam was made co-captain shortly after Finn's death.

"Welcome children to my humble office. May I call you 'Samcedes'?" he begun.

Mercedes and Sam looked at each other surprised. They then realised he was just trying to make an effort to relate to the younger generation.

"Actually, it's 'Mercam,'" Sam said with a straight face, ignoring Mercedes' kick under the table.

"Congratulations on winning Nationals, err... Mercam," Principal Figgins continued. "As co-captains of the Glee Club I would like to present you with some gifts."

Principal Figgins reached into his draw and pulled out a round flat object. "First off, here is a William McKinley High School drink coaster," he said, handing it over to Sam. "You may have to share."

"Thank you," Sam said unconvincingly.

Reaching further into his draw, he pulled out a CD. "Now this is very special to me, but I want you to have it," he said. "It's an autographed Air Supply CD," he said presenting it to Mercedes.

Mercedes took the CD and thanked Principal Figgins. 'To Figgy, our No. 1 fan!' it read. It was signed Graham Russell and Russell Hitchcock.

"And last, but not least here's $5 so you can party like it's 1999!" he said handing over some money. "Again, you may have to share."

"Party more like it's 1969," Sam muttered under his breath.

"Thank you," Mercedes said, remembering her manners.

"While you are here, the school has a very special event planned for this evening," Principal Figgins went on. "And I want you to be part of it."

"What's the event?" Sam asked.

"It's the Teacher of the Year Award," he said. "But I need you to keep quiet about the winner."

Becky peered out of the fake filing cabinet to better hear the conversation. As she listened intensely, she thought Sue is not going to like this.

After morning tea, Principal Figgins summoned Sue. "I saw you on television last night, and I know what you're up to. You're a menace to the State of Ohio, Sue."

"Just being a good citizen, Figgins," she replied. "What do you want?"

"You know why you are here, Sue. I can't let you get away with what you did in Chicago. Drugging me is one thing, but drugging and kidnapping a student is next level crazy. I've commenced disciplinary action with the school board."

"Those are serious allegations, Figgins. You'd better be careful about what you say. This country has laws against defamation."

"My apologies, Sue. Allegedly drugging and kidnapping a student. While your matter is being considered, I must stand you down as Cheerios coach. Roz Washington will take over in the meantime."

Surprisingly, Sue took this news rather well. "So, I guess I'm back playing janitor?" she asked.

"Actually, you were a lousy janitor. But there is a vacancy in the cafeteria... as a dishwasher."

"Thank you Figgins. I look forward to scraping off what passes as food around here from dishes and recycling it into something useful... like cardboard. Anything else?"

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