20. The Homecoming Journey

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The New Directions were buzzing with excitement on their flight back to Lima. Their happiness was infectious as they exchanged jokes and played pranks on each other.

The Warblers were on the same flight as them sitting in first class. Having finished a lowly 13th, they didn't escape the New Directions' jokes.

"Hey," Puck shouted. "What's the difference between a world war and a Warblers performance?"

"What?" Artie shouted back.

"A Warblers performance causes more suffering!"

"I've got one for you," Artie shouted. "How do you tell when Sebastian is at the door?

"How?" Puck asked.

"He can't find the key and doesn't know when to come in," Artie laughed.

Sebastian, who was sitting a few rows in front of them, sunk lower in his seat.

Santana of course, didn't miss the opportunity to get in on the act either. As Mr Schue dozed off, she took out her eyebrow pencil and drew a fake moustache on him. When he awoke he couldn't understand why they were laughing or calling him "Hulk Hogan."

Winning Nationals was a wonderful achievement, particularly after all they had been through. For many, what they had accomplished still hadn't sunk in, and it would be several days before it did.

In the meantime, they were happy to let off a bit of stream and enjoy the moment. Perhaps they were more relaxed than usual because Sue and Principal Figgins were not on the same flight. For reasons unknown, both had decided to accept a lift back with Emma soon after the winner was announced.

Although Rachel didn't want to talk about it, the others could that tell that something had happened between her and Sue. As for Principal Figgins, they guessed he was too embarrassed to show his face to anyone at the moment.

After the plane landed safely Lima, Mr Schue looked on happily as the students boarded the bus for their triumphant return to William McKinley High. As a teacher, he was very proud of what they had achieved.

It also made him appreciate why he took up teaching in the first place. He knew how important the win was going to be for their confidence and self-esteem, particularly as many of them would soon be graduating.

They were expecting a hero's welcome upon their return. Their victory was all over social media with #revengeofthegleeclub going viral on Twitter. The story had even made it on to the WOHN local news, where it was spun as an incredible tale of triumph over tragedy.

However, when they alighted from the bus, they were disappointed to find that no one was waiting for them. Worse still, they were ignored by the few students they came across in the hallway. It was a huge let down after the high they had experienced earlier in the day.

Then, as they entered the auditorium and turned on the lights, almost the entire school - who had been patiently waiting for them in the dark - yelled out "SURPRISE!!"

They were not forgotten after all. Even the jocks, who would normally not be seen dead with the Glee Club nerds, were lining up to offer their congratulations.

As confetti fell from the ceiling and streamers flew across the room, 'Don't Stop Believin'' burst over the PA system, and the Glee Club took turns on the karaoke machine to deliver an impromptu performance of their unofficial anthem.

Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world

She took the midnight train going anywhere

Just a city boy, born and raised in South Detroit

He took the midnight train going anywhere

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