Seven - Drunk

613 30 4

Ed - Harry

Ed - Harry

Ed - Harry

Ed - are you there?

Ed - I miss youss

Ed - talkssk to meh

Harry - are you drunk?

Ed - nooooo

Harry - you definitely are

Harry - text me when you're sober

Ed - I amms

Harry - no you aren't

Ed - I ahbe sometjjh to tell youss

Harry - was that even English

Ed - si

Ed - whta I wanted tu says is thajp I like you

Harry - you're drunk you idiot

Ed - yourkk hurting myu feelimgsi

Harry - go home Ed

Harry - good night

Ed - nooooo

Ed - yous can't du thaj

Ed - Harry?!

Ed - Harry l ?!

Ed - jellooooo

Ed is calling
One missed call from Ed
Ed is calling
Two missed calls from Ed

This was super short sorry

Enjoy 😛

Sheerio tits♥

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