Twenty-six- Epilogue

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Harry - italics

Ed - bold

I place my hands on Ed's shoulder to move him in the right position I wanted him.

How long do I have to stay like this? He signs looking bored.

Maybe just an hour," I said the best I could so he could hear me.

Lately I find myself talking more than i usually. Since I don't know how my voice sounded I never did it much.

I hand him his phone so he won't get utterly bored and start to fidget knowing Ed for these few months he doesn't like staying in position too long.


He nods giving me the go ahead. I take my sketchpad and pencil and start to draw. It was just a simple drawing of him lying on the couch shirtless on his phone.

I bite my lip at the sight of him being shirtless showing all his colourful tattoos.

After half an hour we decided to take a break getting something to eat. We walk hand in hand to he same restaurant we first met.

I order a cheese sandwich with lemonade while Ed orders sandwich with a coke.

The silence consumes us but mostly me and i never like it this way i reach out taking his hand in mine to get his attention feeling his rough hands against mine. I run my thumb over his hand in the mean time.

i take a bite of my sandwich once it arrives. i look at Ed to find him staring at me and i begin to grow confused thinking something is on my face.

"is something on my face?" i gesture to my face getting a napkin.

I see him laugh as he reaches out pulling my hand away from my face. "your face is fine im just staring at how beautiful you are," he smiles.

"That was cheesier than my sandwich," i singed.

"it looks good here don't you think?"Ed asked once he finished putting up the drawing of him on his bedroom wall.

"it looks good anywhere"i replied. The picture has now become my favourite drawing of him. the others i did didn't seem good enough but Ed has because i wanted to burn them.

He pulls be into him and i wrap my arms around his waist. he cups my face in his hands placing a kiss on my lips. we avert to the bed where we lie for the rest of the day spooning.

times like these are what i enjoy with him just the two of us spooning.

this is awful im sorry it was supposed to be better but my mom called me and i had to leave this and all the ideas got washed out of my head fuck!!!

also ill be posting a playlist.

sheerio tits

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