The Arrival, Chapter 1.

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'Honey, we are going to leave without you if you don't hurry up', my mother yelled from the bottom of the staircase. Today was the day. My family and I are moving house for the first time in 17 years. God knows I will miss this place...

What makes it worse, is that we are travelling to a different state! Yeah, thanks Mum and Dad for sucking the life out of me at 17. This is the age I have gotten comfortable with my friends and school, all to just be ripped apart like that. My father got a job promotion and that is the reason we are leaving, by the way. Who knows, maybe it might be a good thing, maybe life will be better in Melbourne, right? 

My brother Jack is 15, we sort of get on... depending what mood I am in. I sat down in the car next to him, with Pluto jumping onto my knees and crushing my bones. Pluto is my dog, the most lovable yet annoying dog you will ever meet. I joke... I love him to pieces. 
Well, here we go... a fun, entertaining 8 hour drive ahead of us! Not... Goodbye home, I will miss you.

------------------------------------------------        8 hours later       ------------------------------------------------------

So here we are, Melbourne. It is quite nice actually, I might enjoy it here. I am studying my final year of high school nearby also, which will hopefully give me the opportunity to form new friendships. My best friend Leah said she would come visit me... however, I'm not holding my breath. This is the year of our lives that we won't have time for anything, and I understand that. Future comes first, right? 

I opened the car door and smelt the fresh air, being in a car for 8 hours really strains you.I gathered my surroundings and expressed a faint smile. It will be hard to open up to a new neighborhood. I felt like going straight to bed. There was not much unpacking to do as the moving van would not be here until sometime tomorrow, which sucked as I will have to make the most of my good nights sleep on a blow up mattress. 

As I walked up to the large, discolored door, I could hear the creeks coming from the cracked wooden panels as I was stepping on them. I sighed, remembering that this is an old house. Bracing myself, I opened the door to our new home, the step into a new beginning where it will be nothing filled with memories, happiness and hope. We were all prepared to make this work as a family. 

I wandered around, room to room, it was quite a large house, although it wasn't two story. It had an old look to it, however, it wasn't too old. The previous owners must of spiced it up a little. I picked dibs on the one with the most gorgeous mirror plastered on the wall. I wondered why the previous owners did not take it with them? It looked like a mirror a princess would have in their room. I unpacked my suitcase and threw on my pajamas as it was getting late and joined my family in the living room for Chinese dinner on the floor. 

It was around 11pm, my family and I were all getting ready for our first sleep at the new home. 'Everything will fall into place, my dear' my mother kissed my forehead and I simply nodded in reply, believing her. I said goodnight and walked to my new room. It did feel weird as it wasn't my old room... however, I was going to make it into something which represented me, personally and my safe space. I loved to decorate, you could say that it was a little hobby of mine. Wandering in my thoughts about ideas that I could do, I laid down on the uncomfortable floor and closed my eyes, attempting to go into a deep sleep.

2:50am, my alarm on my phone decided to blast off. I am surprised no one woke up. Hang on... I don't remember setting an alarm for that time, I have no reason to. I deleted the alarm and laid back to rest and try and get back into my sleep. 'BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEE- OK! Shut up you stupid phone!' I glanced over... 2:55am. This is ridiculous! My phone must be freaking out. I decided to delete the alarm and switch off my phone completely so it wouldn't happen again. I laid back down with a thump for the third time and closed my eyes in frustration. 

'BEEP, BEEP, BEEP' God damn it, I turned this son of a bitch off. I completely stood up now and picked up my phone to see the time. '3am', I gasped, knowing I had turned my pho-

'BANG,    BANG,    BANG.' 

My heart stopped.

I turned around as quick as light and stopped still to see what was right in front of me. 



Hey guys, attached to this chapter I have posted a picture of the mirror to give you an idea of what Emma was describing. 

I am not going to post a photo of Emma, as I would like for you all to have your different imaginations and picture how she looks to you instead. 

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I can't wait to tell you what happens next!

Stay tuned. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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