9. m a c c h i a t o

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Dedicated to @MiriamRodrigues1234 for being really cool and voting and commenting really nice things and funny comments!


Sera / Julian




"So I'm feelin' like a don."

"But I'm lookin' like a queen."

"You can have another"

"But YOU better kiss my ring."

"Welcome to the future, Marty McFly."





"Bye Bye"

"Oh no. Wrong song choice."



"Oh cinnamon! I'll just sit here and sit my macchiato. MY COFFEE GETS BETTER LOVE. Wow.. I'm talking to myself and air."


"What?! Julesy! COME BACK! I DIDN'T GO!! JUJU!?!?"


"He's gone..."

A/N: The songs up there! This was hilarious (in my opinion) and I don't think I'll be updating in the next few days because *sob* I have a Physics test and I SWEAR that subject HATES me. :'(. 

Kasabian's new album is released in 4 days!! ARGH!!! AND SO IS HUMANZ!!! AHHHHHH!!!

Anyways forget about my weird fangirling up there. Don't forget to vote, comment and share! 

Don't be a silent reader!

Till next time!

Shaz :)

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