q & a ‖ part 1

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*This q and a is a combination of chapters. It's set when they're teens but haven't confessed their love and- you'll get it. Eventually. I hope.*

WELL HELLO THERE! This is the Q and A you all have been waiting for! Today we have the cast and cre- Wait, it's not a TV show? It's a book? Oh ok.. Welcoming the characters and author of Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte! 

Sera: Hi!

Jules: 'Sup ladies?

Sera whacks Jules on the arm while Shaz sits there sipping juice.

Shaz: This is amusing. 

Jules: Wait. Why are you here?

Shaz: Moral support. Oh and to prod you in the right direction when you answer questions.

Sera high fives Shaz.

Sera: He needs moral support. He needs help.

Anyway, thanks for being here and let's delve deep into the questions sent in by the readers! So Jules, how are you doing why exactly do all the boys have the same haircuts?

Jules: I'm good thanks and to be honest, boys do it to look cool or just because they like it. It's like a personal choice like the way some people like ketchup while others like another sauce or no sauce at all. I personally don't follow trends. I just have messy blond hair all the time. It's a kind of bedhead style. Not that I'd call it a style.

Sera: That is probably the smartest thing that has ever come out of your mouth.

Jules: Thank you Cinnamon.

Sera goes crimson while Shaz chants "SHIP" under her breath.

So, Sera... Where does your name come from?

Sera: It's Italian. My mum likes Italian stuff so her daughter was named Serafina.

Jules: So you're Italian stuff? No, Cinnamon, you're not 'Italian stuff'.

Sera: Then?

Jules: You're hot stuff.


Sera: Er. Thanks Julesy?

Jules: No problem hot stuff.

So, we'll have a few more simple questions and then let's dive headfirst into severe ones! YA? That sound good?

Jules: If anything, that sounds bad.

Sera: I agree.

Shaz: It's just questions! 

Jules and Sera: That's because you AREN'T being asked them.

Shaz: Teen- hold up, I'm a teen. Well damn. *sigh* UGH.

Sera! Do you like Starbucks?

Sera: It's ok! I mean Cerys' supplies me with my drinks because I don't really drink coffee.


Sera: Because you decided to be a dumbass and PRANK call me at three in the morning. That good enough for you?

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