b o n u s ‖ 03

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Sera / Jules

Sera was nervous. She was extremely overjoyed and nervous at the same time because today she was getting married to the love of her life - Jules. Jules had proposed to her seven months ago and now, they were getting married. Time really flew by. She remembered Jules calling her at three asking for an Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte like it was yesterday. 

She smiled fondly at the memory and starting to relive their fun moments together like the time he took her skydiving or when he got her Scribbles the dog. 

She then realised that in a few hours, she would get married. To the love of her life. He loved her for all her flaws and her perfections and she loved his flaws and imperfections too. They were the perfect couple in everyone's eyes - including Jonah and Elena who fangirled (or fanboyed in Jonah's case) about how 'cute' they were and that they knew it all along. 

Sera then got up and moved towards the bathroom. The tub was filled with water and it has bath soak (not the bubbly kind) in it which made the bathroom smell of lavender. Lavender to keep her happy and to make the headaches go away. She then stripped and lowered herself into the bath and sat there with her eyes shut completely unaware of the fact that on the other side of town Jules was doing the exact same. Sera and Jules had separated for a day because they didn't want any bad luck affecting them and decided to follow the whole routine. 

She then got out of the bath after washing herself and went to the wardrobe in a vest and shorts. She then started to get her dress when he door burst open and Carrie and Alana (Sera's best friend) stood there. 

"I AM GETTING YOU READY MISSY!" she announced and Sera laughed.

"All right! I can't wait to get you dressed when you get married."

Carrie blushed and Alana and Sera high fived while Carrie then got out the dress and they both helped Sera into it. Alana and Carrie argued over the best dish ever - pizza won and halfway through, Sera's mum ran into the room looking happy.

"I remembered that you didn't have something old so I ransacked the house looking for the necklace I wore on my wedding day." and Sera's mum presented her a pretty silver necklace with diamonds on it.

"Thanks mum." Sera replied as she took the necklace and fastened it around her neck. 

For the whole 'something old, some new, something borrowed, something blue' Sera had the necklace her mum gave her, her new earrings, a hair pin borrowed from Alana and a tiny blue bracelet on her left arm. She felt pleased with her collection and Alana moved in and started to apply light makeup to her face as Sera didn't want to be caked. She then had her hair done and then she got up and looked in the mirror. Then it finally hit her, she was finally getting married and she put on her shoes and walked with her family to the car with Jonah tagging along looking happy.

On the other side of town, Jules was looking in the mirror and admiring himself in his tux and smiling at his memories with Sera while Elena tried to fix Jules' hair. His hair refused to stay flat was sticking up in places. Immediately after his hair managed to stay flat, Jules was told to get in the car and he did almost bouncing. He was excited and Elena wondered when it would be like this for her.

Sera was holding her dad's hand and waiting for her entrance. She closed her eyes and took in deep breaths. She felt her father pat her and whisper:

"It'll be alright poppet. It's your big day. Set an example for Jonah please." 

She laughed and nodded as the bars for 'Here Comes The Bride' started to play. She stepped in and her eyes immediately went to Jules who was standing there looking gorgeous. She smiled and he beamed back at her as he took her appearance in. She walked down and took her place beside him.

"Serafina Hazel Reyes, the moment I met you and talked to you was the moment I knew that you were the only one for me. You are the only one who stole my heart and I am blessed to be with you."

"Julian Alexander Reynolds, you are the only bright star in my sky and since I met you, you have only made my life a hundred times better. I will guide you through the darkest days and through the good days because you are worth it all."

"I promise that I will be supportive and hold your hands for eternity and I will only be the best for you because you deserve it."

"I promise to love and cherish all our days together."

"I, Julian Alexander Reynolds, take you, Serafina Hazel Reyes to be my lawfully wedded wife."

"You may now kiss the bride."

Jules and Sera leaned in and kissed. They pulled away amidst all the cheers and looked around to see everyone looking overjoyed.

"See cinnamon. I love you."

"And I love you even more."

They then held hands and walked towards the main room. It was going to be a great day and they would be the most happiest in each other's company for eternity.

A/N: I'm rubbish at writing wedding vows. I haven't even been to many weddings. 4-5 at the most. So, if I got any of the concepts wrong, please correct me. There is one more bonus chapter and for the vows bit I searched it up on google. smh. Tati Westbrook's wedding was so cool though.

Pickled Onions will be up soon!

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Till next time!

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