C H A P T E R 2

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"Camila?" I heard my mom's voice. I just say 'come in' in a low tone. I have no energy to open the door because I'm still on a state of a "BROKEN HEART".

My mom walks towards me and sit beside me. She hug me with care and love. I need this connection because of my heart can't handle this emotion that I felt right now.

I will tell you my relationship story... but I will just tell you in "Long Story Short" type. So I have a boyfriend named Austin Mahone well ex-boyfriend, we met each other when we're in high school. I'm such a normal typical girl that time while he was a Captain of basketball team of our school. He noticed me because he was my partner in our project in one of my class before. Well, we get to know each other every day passed and everytime that he saw me he always giving me a help to my things, he drove me home and he was so good to me. Some of my friends said that he's just using me like a play toy but I defend Austin by them. Then one time, Austin asks me out on a date and we enjoy that night... I'm so happy that day because that was my first date ever. We always having a date and every day that we hangout I get to know him well. He was so gentleman, caring and I felt love when I'm with him. So after 2 months dating, we made it official. We enjoy our 1st year together but when we're now coming to our 2nd year of our relationship I felt him so cold to me, he distant with me. I just shrugged it off all my theory about the distant that he giving me but everytime we're together I never felt the spark between us, the butterfly's, the happiness to his eyes when he's with me. Then one time when I was walking in a street of Miami I saw the car of Austin in front of a diner so me being her girlfriend I enter the diner. I saw the most terrifying view to my life, Austin kissing a girl like they almost eating each other. Austin noticed my presence there, he jumped from his seat and ran towards me but I ran away from him. I drove home and lock myself in my room, I cried a lot like I almost drained my tears. I felt like I played by someone's hand and I felt so nonsense.

So that's the sad story of my relationship, that's why I'm here on arms of my mom crying but there's no more tears coming from eyes I don't know why... I think my tears were now dry from the last week of non-stop crying.

"Mija, let's go down at the kitchen let's eat. I know you can't resist a pizza." My mom said while cupping my face. That's why I love my mom because she knew my happiness.

"Okay mom..." I said while slowly standing up from my bed and I walk with my mom downstairs. I saw my dad and my little sister Sofi eating her pizza, when she saw me she dropped her pizza to her plate then run to me. I gave her a hug and she hug me back. Aww I miss her little hug...

"Kaki! Finally you get down here. I miss you so much. I miss my Kaki!" Sofi said while still hugging me. When we pulled away from our hug, we walk to kitchen to join our parents.

My dad gives me a plate with a 3 slices of pizza. I looked at him with a 'confused face' look. "You need those 3 slices because you never eat in past days so you deserved that slices. If it's still not enough I will give you again another slice." My dad said to me while patting my shoulder.

"Thanks Dad." I hug him and he hug me back.

"You know Mija, if I saw Austin I will made him cry like he did to you." My dad said while we pulled away from our hug. He laughed from what he said. I just laugh with him and I heard my mom and Sofi laugh along with us.

"Dad you don't have to, don't make your hands got dirt from touching him. He's already messed up let's just the bad karma punish him." I replied to my dad and he just nodded and I smiled at him.

I start to eat my pizza and I eat like I've never taste a pizza before. I'm on my second slice and enjoy every bite that I did.

"Mija, take it slow your pizza is not going anywhere. Here drink this." My mom said and gave me a glass of water. I drink it and make a loud burp. They all look at me and I said 'excuse me' and they laugh at me.

When we finished eating pizza, Sofi run to the living room and watch TV. While I'm checking my social accounts I hear a cleared throat sound, so I look up and I saw my mom and dad looking at me. I put my phone on the table and look at them.

"Is there something on my face?" I ask them with a smile on my face. They just shake their heads and smile.

"I miss that smile." My mom said while sitting beside me. "I hope I can see that from now on. I don't want to see you crying Mija." She put her arms around my shoulder and kisses my temple.

"Camila, I think you need a real vacation not only here at our house. You need an out of town vacation, you know to relax your mind and refresh yourself from all the struggles you faced from the last few days." My dad said while getting up from her seat and walk towards the cabinet and pulling a brown envelope. He walk and sit beside me, he give me the envelope and gesture me to open it.

"Dad what is this? And mom do you know about this?" I ask them. They nodded at me; I turned my gaze from them and finally to the envelope in front of me. I open it then it revealed a ticket, a credit card, and a reservation to a hotel.

"Dad... are you going to kicked me out of this house? Hahaha just kidding!" I said and I laugh at them and they're just shaking their heads.

"Mija, your Dad and I decided that you need this... a time to yourself. Enjoy the places there; enjoy different views and also your favorite... foods." My mom said while giving me a smile.

"Yeah your mom was right, enjoy your days there forget about all the problems and moved on from him okay? He don't deserve you, there's a right person is waiting for you." My dad said while hugging us. I was so amazed to my dad because he was right there's someone is waiting for me I just need to find that person too.

When my mom, dad and I were hugging I hear Sofi say something. "It is group hug time?" she asked while looking at us. I gesture her to come and join us to our hug. I miss my family, they're the people that always there for me when I needed the most.

After our family time, I went to my room took a hot shower and change into some baggy shirt and sweatpants. I put my hair in a messy bun and sit on my bed; I get the envelope that my dad gave to me earlier and I also open my laptop. I searched about the hotel that I'm going to stay for... I didn't know how many days I will stay there so I read again my reservation for that hotel. When I read it, my eyes get big because I was staying there for one month. What!? One month! Okay is this a joke but no its not. I re-read it but it said that one month stay.

I made a long sigh and I hope I have someone to accompany me because I'm staying there for one month for my life sake. I'm just going to pray to God that I hope I found someone will be my friend for one month.

You can do it Camila, I know you can... i hope so

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