C H A P T E R 7

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I wake up because there's a light that coming from the window that striking directly to my face. I slightly parted my eyelids and try to adjust the brightness of this room. Where am i??? I sat up from lying here in bed; I look around and thought that I was in my room. I look under cover of my blanket and I'm still wearing my clothes yesterday. I found my purse on the night stand; I get it and pull out my phone inside of it. I turned on my phone and check the time and it's already... 10 in the morning!

I jumped out from my bed, I walk inside the bathroom and I decided that I want to try the bathtub. I filled it with water, and I walk to the cabinet and grab a bottle that can make a bubble bath. I stop the water and pour enough amounts of bubbles; I smiled at the scent coming from the tub... hmm vanilla.

I get my phone from my bed, I walk back again inside the bathroom. I click the iMusic and I turned shuffle on of album of Ed Sheeran DIVIDE. I strip all my clothes and slowly deep my body on tub, I relax and let the music filled my ears. While I'm relaxing myself I remembered all the places we visited, I smiled just thinking of those memories from yesterday. Oh I forgot how I ended sleeping to my bed in this morning? The last thing I remembered last night that we're on the cab and... ughh! I can't remember anything. I should ask Lauren later, speaking of Lauren... what does she doing right now?

After my relaxing bubble bath, I change into a white V-neck shirt, sweatpants, and crocs sandals... why it was so comfortable to feet?

I let my hair loose and I let my face without make up because there's no reason I should wear that right now. I check the time and it was 11:53 am I should take my lunch but I can't eat without accompany. I decide to text Lauren to ask her if she want to eat lunch with me.

To Lauren:

Hey Ms. Green Eyes! Have you taken your lunch? If no, then let's eat together. If that's okay to you?

I click send and then immediately I got a replied from her. Wow!

From Lauren:

Finally! You text me, I thought you're not going to get up from your cozy bed. I haven't taken my lunch and please go outside your room. Now! I'm starving! (:

When I read her message, I jumped off from my bed and I grab my purse. I open my door and I see her... she was standing there leaning her back to the wall while busy to her phone. I cleared my throat to get her attention, when she heard it she remove her gaze from her phone to me... oh my gosh her eyes was so beautiful. I closed my room and I gesture her to the elevator, Lauren press the button for the lobby.

When we reached the dining hall, we walk to the counter and get their lunch menu for today which is... Beef Wellington.

We walk over to our favorite table; we sat there and wait for our food. Lauren pulled the chair for me and I thanked her... such a gentlewoman.

One More Weekend (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now