Chapter 2: The Mystery Woman

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Sander's POV

"We are gathered here today in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together Lysander Luciano and Andrea Barrameda in holy matrimony; which is an honorable estate, instituted by God, since the first man and the first woman walked on the earth. Therefore, it is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently and soberly. Into this holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined. If any one can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

"I am against this marriage... I am pregnant with Sander's baby and he didn't want to take any responsibility. But I needed to claim my baby's rights to his father, before it's too late."

I looked at the woman standing in front of me, the woman who claims to be the mother of my unborn child. I have no recognition. I don't even think I have met her somewhere. I have a lot of questions in my mind. If I didn't know her, why is she even here? Why is she doing this? What is her motive? 

Then, I looked at Andrea. I couldn't move. By this time, she could have been my wife. If only the ceremony took place. I looked at her face. I didn't know what was going through in her mind. I can see that she was hurt. Who wouldn't be? There isn't any normal girl who wouldn't be hurt in this situation. This was not the dream wedding that she had planned for herself. Who in the world would want to know that the man you are marrying cheated on you and fathered a child on the very day of your wedding.

I wanted to run to her, hug her and comfort her, but I could not do it. Looking at her face, I didn't think she would let me. I can't blame her though. I am the one who is supposed to be at fault here. I am the culprit. After the shock has faded, tears started falling from her eyes. It looked like she couldn't take it anymore so she ran towards the exit.

As I saw Andrea leave the church, I was swallowed deep in my thoughts. What is happening? 

I looked back at the woman in front of me. What was that strong emotion that I saw in her eyes? Is she mad at me? I wasn't sure if it was hate that I saw flashing in her eyes, but I was thinking that somehow this woman was hurt in the past. And with the flash of anger that escaped her eyes, I knew it for sure that she loathed me. I didn't know what really happened between the two of us but something tells me that her anger is directed towards me and that she is set to have her revenge on me.

I was again engulfed in my thoughts... Who is she? What does she want from me? Surely, I couldn't have done anything wrong to her if I didn't recognize her myself. I wanted to know why did she have to do this to me.  

I am suddenly aware of my surroundings again. I hear the chatter of the people around me. I looked for her in the crowd and saw that she was at door. I wanted to follow her. I wanted to ask her all the questions that were running through my head. I wanted answers but I didn't want to add up to the embarassment that I have already experienced. I didn't want to give people another scene to talk about. I knew that I had to be careful with my actions if I didn't want to do any more damage than there already is. I made a mental note to ask Dylan to investigate on her.

A day after my supposed wedding day, I asked my friend Dylan to meet up with me. He is a detective and I wanted him to handle this case.

"Dylan, I have a favor to ask of you. Would you mind meeting up with me? I could go to your office if that would be convenient with you." I waited for his answer."You'll be the one to go here? Okay. I really appreciate it, dude."

Dylan came to my office a few hours later. 

"Since you are my friend, I wouldn't beat around the bush. I called you because I want you to conduct an investigation on the mysterious woman that appeared on my wedding. I want every single detail that you can get hold of her," I told Dylan.

"Are you serious about this?" Dylan asked.

"Hundred percent sure, man!" I said with conviction.

"What would you get from this?" he eyed me curiously.

"I don't know. Answers, maybe."

"If that is what you want. I'll try to give you an update as soon as I can get hold of any information." Dylan said before he left.

A few days has passed. I kept myself busy, finishing some works in the office even though I am ahead with my deadlines. I tried finishing everything before the wedding since I was supposed to be on vacation. I could have been spending my time on the beach on a honeymoon with my wife and yet here I am in my office holding what might be the answers to my questions.

I wasn't really expecting Dylan to get back to me this fast. In fact, I was giving him a few weeks or a month before he could get a lead on her identity. But as expected of one of the top investigators in the country like Dylan, he really does his job well.  

At first, I was hesitant to open the envelope. I didn't know what I am about to find out but I also didn't want to continue wondering about everything had happened. I slowly opened it and looked into the contents of the envelope. Dylan's work was quite impressive.

There were a few information on her background and some pictures. I first read the report. It says here that her name is Piper Xia Sandoval. She is 25 years old. Her dad is a businessman while her mom is a doctor. She finished Hotel & Restaurant Management and owns a restaurant of her own. 

What intrigued me the most was the last piece of information written at the bottom of the paper.

She only had one relationship. She was engaged to be married on June 2012 but the wedding didn't push through...

There wasn't anything else written in the report regarding her wedding.

I looked at the pictures in my hand. I saw pictures of Piper when she was still a child. There were pictures of her during her elementary and high school days. There were also pictures of her with her family and a picture of her in her chef's uniform. She is quite a looker, I should say.

I didn't see anything significant in these documents. I still can't see any connection between me and that woman. Maybe I should ask Dylan to investigate further. 

As I was putting away everything, a small piece of paper suddenly fell. I slowly picked it up and looked at it. Shocked isn't enough to describe how I was feeling at the moment. I didn't know what to say. I was very confused as I stared at what could be the missing link between me and that woman...

It was a picture of Piper and me in my younger years.

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