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  The last few days have been a blur. It's been one kill after another. I've been leaving bodies all over town but the police still haven't caught me yet. It's pretty funny actually, how the whole city trusts the police to protect them yet they can't catch the states most notorious killer, who by the way, is only 17. It's not like the city has a shitty police force either. In fact, it's one of the best in the country. I'm just that good. Well, you know what they say, practice makes perfect. One time, just to rub it in their faces, I killed the police officer who was called out to inspect one of the bodies I had left behind. I am currently on 38 kills. I'm sure not how many Maggie is on but I'm certain that it won't come close to mine.

Sitting down at the table, I look over my last few kills. Looking at the photographs, I feel myself smile. I love the look of their mutilated bodies. You know how when you're sad you have a certain movie you watch or a song you listen to or a book you read and it cheers you up? Well, this is what cheers me up, looking at the photos of my victims. Flipping through the photos I find one with a girl with green hair. I remember this kill clearly, her name was... Stephanie, I think. Yes, that's right, her name was Stephanie.

 I walked into McDonald's. Even killers have to eat. I walked up to the counter and the girl looked up at me. She had long green hair pulled back into a braid. She was beautiful. As soon as I saw her I knew she would be kill number 133 making her kill number 30 in the game. 

"Hi, welcome to McDonald's. What can I get you?" She asked, with a smile on her face. She wouldn't be smiling if she knew what I had planned. "I'll have a large big mac meal with a coke." I handed her over a $20 note. "Keep the change," I looked down at her name tag. "Stephanie." I said, flashing her a smile. A blush crept over her cheeks. "Thankyou." I got my meal and sat at an empty table. My plan was to wait here until she finished her shift. I ended up sitting here for another 3 hours before I saw her walk out. I stood up and followed her out onto the street. I approached her, she hadn't realized I was there so she jumped when I appeared next to her. "You weren't going to leave without saying goodbye, were you?" I asked. "I didn't realize you were still here." She said, looking down.

 Changing the subject, I asked. "Would you like to come back to my place?" "You really don't waste any time, do you?" She smirked, shaking her head. "I'd love to go back to your place." She grinned. I led her around the corner to my car, she climbed into the passenger seat the looked up at me. "How far away do you live?" She asked. "Not very." I replied. We rode the rest of the way in silence, me hoping that Maggie wouldn't be home and her simply staring at me. When we arrived back at my house I took her inside. "You might want to get changed out of your work clothes. You should find something that fits in the basement. I'll go get us some drinks." I told her. She nodded. Instead of going into the kitchen I followed her down into the basement. She looked around the room and gasped. She turned around and tried to get out but I had already locked the door. 

I grabbed my knife from the table and started walking towards her. "WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?" She yelled. I backed her up against the wall. I dragged the knife across her stomach allowing her intestines to fall out. She began to cry. "Why are you doing this to me?" She choked out between sobs. "Because it's fun," I replied, smiling. I cut her shirt off and threw it across the room. I cut her chest open and reached in. I pulled her heart out and threw it over my shoulder. I stood back allowing her body to fall to the floor. I walked across the room and came back with my camera. I took a photo and knelt down to inspect her body. She was pretty before but now she looked absolutely stunning. I ran my hand through the puddle of blood by her body and- I was interrupted from my thoughts by a crash coming from in the kitchen.

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