3. Always With You

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Yuuri nodded. Viktor stared.

A moment of silence. 

'Why Iceland?' the Russian asked. 

'I have a strong feeling we'll be welcome there,' Yuuri replied. 

'I thought we wanted to go to Greece?' Viktor said with a bemused expression on his face. 

'Yes, but I think Iceland is the better way to go,' Yuuri signed hurriedly, clearly getting irritated. 

'Okay, but we have to plan this honeymoon,'Viktor signed, 'like, right now. We've got no time to spare. It's got to be... perfect!' 

Yuuri beamed. He'd heard that couples often had a hard time choosing a honeymoon destination, but he and Viktor took no more than a minute to figure it out. 

'I'm going to go get my computer,' Viktor said as he stood up, stretching his arms. Yuuri nodded and planted himself resolutely on the floor. Viktor walked towards one of the boxes in the room and opened it gently, retrieving a thin silver Chromebook. He brought it back to his husband and him, quickly turning it on and logging in. 

The next half hour or so was spent making notes on Google Keep, looking through websites to find the best destinations, tours, hotels, restaurants and the like. 

Yura had been glamorously done up whilst they worked and when she came out, they didn't realise she'd been standing there a good two minutes until she cleared her throat. 

'Wow! Amazing!!!' Viktor shouted as soon as he got a glimpse of her face (and her in general). 

'You are beautiful,' Yuuri added quietly. 

Yuria hugged the Japanese man, smiling from ear to ear as she did. He hugged her back tightly, feeling proud as if she were his own daughter. A few tears slipped down his cheeks, and he couldn't understand why he was beginning to cry. Yuria was simply going on a date with her boyfriend. 

And that's when it hit Yuuri. He really did think of Yura as his own child, and it felt as if she was being torn from him, stolen by Otabek. 

'Don't cry, dad... Please, it'll only make me cry., and I don't want that,' Yura signed after she pulled away and realised Yuuri was crying. 

Viktor had been about to make a remark about how he'd been forgotten but stopped short when he realised what this moment meant for Yuuri and Yuria. It made his chest hurt with love and happiness to see how well the two got along and how much they cared about each other. 

Yura and Yuuri continued to talk for some time, switching between speaking and sign language on and off, until a knock at the door made them both turn. 

Phichit ran to get the door, and upon opening it, revealed none other than Otabek himself, the prince come to steal the beloved only daughter from her adoring, heartbroken father. 

'Hello,' he greeted Yuuri with little emotion. 

'Hi,' Yuuri replied quietly. After all these years, he was still slightly intimidated by the (mostly) silent Kazakh man. 

Otabek's intense stare slid over to Yura, and suddenly his blank face grew warm and his eyes lit up.  

'You look beautiful, gül*,' he gave the blonde a smile. Yura, too, smiled faintly and approached her boyfriend with a steady walk. 

At arms reach, Otabek opened his arms, inviting Yuria into a hug. After their embrace, Yura turned to Yuuri & Viktor. 

'I'll see you tomorrow, dad...and Viktor.' 

Yuuri smiled, 'Goodbye, darling. Be safe and have a beautiful evening,' then waved in adieu as Yura and Otabek walked out the door. 

The door closed softly. 

Phichit had disappeared into the bathroom. 

Yuuri and Viktor turned to each other, both sporting sad smiles on their faces. Viktor brought Yuuri into a hug, which Yuuri lovingly returned. 

It was silent again. Yuuri could feel Viktor's heart beating and he could feel his own heart beating against the latter's broad, strong chest. 

Viktor began moving from side to side in a slow dance, guiding the two around the empty living room. 

They continued their slow, graceful moments, 

Viktor takes a step back and twirls Yuuri around before pulling him in so they can do the Waltz, placing his right arm to Yuuri's left shoulder blade, and intertwining their free hands, moving their feet together in identical directions, bodies pressed close. There's a light in Yuuri's eyes which Viktor had not seen since he'd gone deaf. 

With silent music playing, the couple continued to dance slowly, smoothly, carefully, lightly, lovingly... 

The room around them had transformed into a large ballroom with golden chandeliers and beautiful French walls. 

In the midst of their dancing, Yuuri had begun to sing a song in a small, unsure voice. 

'Sento una voce che piange lontano...Anche tu, sei stato forse abbandonato? Orsù finisca presto questo calice di vino e inizio a prepararmi...Adesso fa' silenzio...' 

When had he learnt to sing in Italian? Viktor thought momentarily, though he was enjoying Yuuri's singing. 

Yuuri continued to sing as they waltzed (even if the song he sang wasn't a waltz) and the couple continued to dance. When the song reached its end, Viktor and Yuuri slowed their dance, stopping completely as Yuuri's voice faded into oblivion. 

The couple pulled away from each other almost unwillingly. 

'Yuuri, when did you learn that song?' Viktor asked, his face shining in awe. 

'Long ago, before the Accident,' was the reply. Yuuri looked away. He'd also learnt to play the piano over the last two years, listening for the vibrations that the notes had made when he pressed a key. He was taking lessons, though he'd managed to keep them a secret. 

Viktor smiled for what seemed the thousandth time. But this time the smile was genuine; It was soft and made him look years younger, and it made his entire face look even more beautiful than it already was. 

'I want to hear your voice sing every day. I want to hear you TALK every day. Your voice, besides your laugh, is the most precious sound I get to hear, and I wish you would give me the honour of getting to hear it every single day,' Viktor signed before placing a sweet kiss on Yuuri's warm, soft lips. 


*gül - flower/blossom [in Kazakh]


This story is at about 300 reads now, yayyyyy! Next chapter will have another timeskip... I know there's been so many already, and I'm sorry about that, but there's some important things we need to get to... 

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