5. The Inferno

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Fun Fact 2: I love Hetalia. Kolkolkol, my subordinates. I will destroy your emotions in future, so do not be sad yet ^J^ 


Chris slapped himself in the face, just now realising the extent of what had just happened. 

Phichit had cheated on Seung Gil. With him. 

Now the homosexual supporting cast is in a dilemma. 

'I'm sorry... I didn't—I mean, I did but I just— ah, fuck. I'm so sorry, Phichit!' 

Phichit inhaled slowly, then exhaled. 'It's okay. I think... I think it's best we both talk to Seung Gil. We need to tell him what's happened.' 

Chris's face paled. 'Talk to... to your boyfriend?' 

Phichit nodded. 

'Won't he do something awful to me? Beat me up or something?' 

Phichit gave him a pointed look, 'No, he won't.' 

He looked at the time on his phone. It was only 10:30. 

'Come on, let's go. Seung is probably up writing, so we should be able to talk to him now.'

So Seung Gil Lee is a novelist. Phichit probably made him co-write his fanfictions. 


'Yes, now. The more we delay this, the more guilty we'll feel for not telling him.' 

Chris let out a long breath. 'Fine. I suppose you're correct.' 

Thus the two left the house (and the movie, which was still playing), and got into the car, and drove for about fifteen minutes to a small house just off Lake Anastasis*. 

Phichit and Chris got out of the car, both anxious, and walked up to Seung Gil's house. It was dark, and considerably colder because of the lake and the abundance of trees surrounding Seung Gil's house. 

Phichit rang the doorbell. 

The sound seemed hollow, echoing throughout the house, the air, the trees...

The door opened. An annoyed expression lined the face of none other than Phichit's boyfriend of three years, Seung Gil Lee. 

It lightened up once he saw Phichit, but just as quickly darkened upon spying Chris. 

'Yeon-in, who is this?' he asked Phichit, his voice hard as stone, but soft as a feather, sweet as honey. 

'This is Chris. We must all speak now. It's urgent,' Phichit pressed on in a tight voice. Seung Gil moved aside, motioning for them to enter. 

Phichit and Chris stepped in, both equally nervous and afraid. The air in the house seemed just as cold as that outside. It seemed to vibrate with whispers of 'we know what you did' and 'you dirty, worthless cheater'.

'How's your novel going?' Phichit asked as he took a seat on Seung Gil's couch.  

'It's going alright,' shrugged the latter in response. 'What is the matter? You're shaken up, I can see. What came you to tell me?' 

Phichit sighed and began, 'I... I'm sorry, I... I...' 

'You have used me ill, have you not?' Seung Gil supplied. 

'Yes. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this, really, I didn't! It just... It happened and—'

'When was this?'

'Only some twenty minutes ago. I know I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry. Please, please don't hurt Chris, it wasn't his fault...' 

Seung Gil's face was blank. 'I am in distress. You have done something I should not forgive, and yet, you are so honest as to tell me so soon after the incident. I will forgive you. However, you have ill-used me, and I do not believe it will serve you nor I to continue this relationship, not as such. We must either part forever and remain friends, and you shall become one with Chris, or we might attempt to include Chris in this relationship.'

Include Chris in their relationship? Wait—a polyamorous relationship?

'A polyamorous relationship?' 

Chris asked this so calmly it would almost make the question seem normal. Seung Gil nodded. Phichit's eyes were wide. 

If they were in a polyamorous relationship, Phichit wouldn't have to be torn between the two of them. But he wasn't sure he was willing to be in a relationship with both men. Seung Gil seemed willing to be a part of the relationship. 

It all depended on whether Chris was open to it. But there was another problem. 

Polygamy was illegal in the United States. 

Chris knew this was a big, risky decision. He didn't know what to do. Seung Gil didn't seem like an ideal lover to him. Phichit, on the other hand, was perfect for him. He was everything Chris wanted. 

'Polygamy is illegal here, though,' he finally said. Phichit sighed. Seung Gil did not betray his emotions. 

'Polygamy is not illegal in all the world, however. We may be free to enjoy each other if we are to move to a safe location,' the South Korean said.

'Yes, but... I don't believe being in a polyamorous relationship together is the right thing to do,' replied Chris slowly, eyeing Phichit. The Thai man seemed to relax a little. 

'I am of the opinion that you and Phichit would rather form your own union, not inclusive of me. I am not opposed to finding love elsewhere. I congratulate you, Chris, for being worthy of his love. Phichit, your attention to my happiness these three years has not gone unnoticed, nor has it gone unthanked,' Seung Gil said slowly, standing up. 

'This is where we part. It is my sincere hope that we may remain friends. Goodbye.' 

*Lake Anastasis - doesn't actually exist. 

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