9. Fire

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I'm sorry that there's so much time skipping in this book >_<

Time seemed to fly by fast. Weeks went by and Viktor and Yuuri returned from their honeymoon. More weeks passed, and Yura finally won gold at a competition. Fast-forward even more, and Phichit and Chris are going to Switzerland to meet Chris's parents. 

Now it's silent. 

the Katsuki-Nikiforov house is silent. Outside, the sun shines brightly. Inside, it is darker, cool. The curtains are pulled together, permitting no light but the small stream sifting in through the crack in the middle. 

Phichit and Chris won't be back for two weeks. 

Yura is in Canada for her next competition. It's not exactly a serious one, but her coaches insisted she needed the experience of being in 'enemy territory'. 

Yuuri and Viktor are currently at their final Core Training class. After this, they'll get a home study, and if they are approved, they'll be able to adopt. 

Some weeks later, the couple is meeting with their caseworker, Kenjirou. 

'Your home study is next Thursday, guys! That being said, and this being your first home study, I'm going to give you some tips!' the caseworker said with a jubilant smile.

'Thank you,' Yuuri nodded. 

'Alright, firstly, be honest, okay? Don't be afraid to ask questions. Second, I'm not doing this study to make sure you have the best home in the world, I'm doing it to report that your home is safe to bring a child home, so don't worry about that. Third, you have to be prepared to do more paperwork and set up everything after the visit. Really, that's all there is to it. You'll be great, I know!' Kenjirou said happily, sorting through some papers. 

'Alright! So, we'll see you then?' Viktor hummed. 

'Right. Thank you two for coming, I'll see you then,' Kenjirou replied and stood up. 

After shaking hands, the couple left the agency. 

'What should we eat?' Yuuri asked as he drove through the fairly empty street. 

Viktor shrugged. 

'Do you want Thai?' Yuuri asked, stopping the car as they reached a stop sign. 

'Okay,' replied Viktor. 

Yuuri looked at the Russian with a worried look. 

'Are you okay?' he asked slowly. 

His words hung in the air. Moments passed. 

'No. Not really.' 

As Yuuri drove across the street, he stole glances at his husband, who was silently staring out the window with a pensive look on his face. 

Reaching home, both got out of the car without speaking. 

Inside their home, Viktor headed upstairs to their bedroom, leaving Yuuri alone downstairs alone with tension continuously building up as seconds passed. 

Yuuri looked around the large living room, sighing with frustration. What was wrong with Viktor? 

Should he go ask him what was bothering him? Should he try to comfort him? Or should he just give him some space to himself? 

Yuuri did not have time to contemplate these questions, as his phone began to play Spring Day loudly, though what got his attention was the vibration in his pocket. 

'Phichit?' Yuuri asked out loud when he saw the caller I.D. It was 8 PM in Switzerland right now. 

He answered the call saying, 'Phichit, I'm deaf. I can't hear you, idiot.' 

He got a FaceTime request within seconds, and within seconds Phichit and Chris appeared. 

Phichit waved excitedly before signing, 'How did it go?

Yuuri grinned, replying, 'Our home study is next Thursday. I'm so nervous!' 

'Oh, me too! I'm nervous that they'll find my stash of weed!' Phichit replied with wide eyes. 

Yuuri's face formed a look of horror, and he said, 'Phichit! WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE THAT HERE!?' 

Phichit began to laugh and Yuuri became confused. Then he realised he'd been duped. 

'I was kidding. I got you so good, no?' Phichit said after he calmed down, though there was a glint in his eyes. 

'That wasn't funny. Look, I have to go. Something's bothering Viktor and I don't know what it is,' Yuuri said, looking away from the screen towards the stairs. 

'Go calm your moody princess down. I'll see you later. Bye!' 

After hanging up, Yuuri let out a breath and walked upstairs to his and Viktor's room. 

'Viktor?' he asked, pushing open the door quietly. Viktor was in bed, facing the wall, away from Yuuri. 

'Viktor, darling, what's wrong?' Yuuri asked, climbing on the bed and turning Viktor's face to face him. 


Yuuri looked at Viktor with hurt in his eyes. 

'Please tell me. Don't shut me out, my love,' he said, placing his hand on Viktor's cheek. 

Viktor reached out and placed his own hand over Yuuri's. 

'I'm afraid,' he whispered. (He could've shouted it, it was all the same to Yuuri).

'Of what? You have nothing to fear,' Yuuri replied softly. 

'What if we don't get approved? What if we do, but I'm an awful parent? What if our children hate us?' Viktor said with trembling lips. 

It was slightly difficult to make out what he said, but Yuuri understood now.

The Japanese man laughed softly, placing a gentle kiss on his husband's lips. 

'Don't worry, Vitya. You'll be perfect. I know it. Everything will work out fine.' 

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