6. Vkusno!

333 14 42

Do you guys like the new cover? 

Also, May the Fourth be with you~! 

Fun Fact 3: I love ice skating. I'm terrible at it, but I love it nonetheless. 

'Yuuri!' Viktor tapped the latter's shoulder as he pointed excitedly at a tall building. 

It was Hallgrímskirkja, the 73-metre Lutheran parish church located in Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland. 

'It's beautiful,' Yuuri murmured as he stared up in awe at the sheer immensity of the building. 

Viktor took his hand and pulled him along, walking excitedly towards the entrance. The wind blew softly over them, cold but not biting. 

A couple other tourists were walking and meandering around the building, most taking pictures or posing for them. 

Viktor walked with great purpose, pushing open the doors and letting Yuuri step through before entering himself. 

The inside of the church was as awesome and grand as the outside. The high, sloped ceiling gave the place a roomy feel, and light filtered in comfortably through the tall, clear windows on either side. 

The couple looked around in amazement at the beautiful Icelandic architecture, both too much in awe to notice the smiles or shocked faces of those who walked past them and saw their entwined hands and gold rings. 

The grand scale of the columns and the sheer largeness of the place caught their breaths, stole their minds, and shook them to their core. Viktor gingerly brought Yuuri close to him, and the remained attached for some time, quietly contemplating the beauty of the Expressionist architecture. 


'Viktor, we should go eat there!' Yuuri said, pointing at a quaint red building with dark-tainted windows and the number 73 written on it in white. 

Viktor nodded excitedly in agreement and the two walked excitedly into the restaurant, charmingly called Old Iceland. 

Upon entering, the couple was greeted by a chalkboard on their left which read 'Welcome to Old Iceland!' in neat handwriting. Scanning the room, they noticed how packed it was. 

They were greeted by a woman with a kind smile and long brown hair which was perfectly straight (unlike Yuuri, and Viktor, and literally everyone they knew). 

'Hello, I am Audrey! I will be serving you today, follow me to your seating,' she said with an enthusiastic voice. 

The two followed the woman to a far corner where they were seated and given menus. 

'What are you getting?' Yuuri asked Viktor as he scanned over the menu. Viktor shrugged in response. 

'What are you getting?' Viktor returned. 

'I am getting meat soup,' Yuuri replied. 

'I'll get it too.' 

Yuuri rolled his eyes. 

Some minutes later, Audrey returned to take their orders. 

Viktor ordered for both he and Yuuri. This made Yuuri relax immensely; he'd been nervous about having to speak. The couple spoke freely for some time, sheltered from most of the other people in the restaurant. 

Their orders arrived, and they began eating. 


'Beka, we need to go!' Yura groaned, glancing impatiently at her phone to check the time. 

'Hold on, let me get my prezervatïvter*,' Otabek replied calmly, opening a drawer. Yura blushed. She grabbed her ice skates and walked towards the door, whipping around once again to hurry Otabek before walking out. 

She opened the door to Otabek's car and got in, sitting with her skates on the floor in front of her. 

A few seconds later, Otabek appeared through the door, holding a red and blue water bottle and his car keys. 

'You forgot your water, darling,' he said once getting in the car. He placed the water bottle in a cupholder. 

'Raqmet sizge*,' Yura replied, shaking her leg anxiously as Otabek drove to Burr's ice rink. 

Once arriving, the couple walked inside, finding Eliza on the phone with a dreamy look on her face. 

'Alex, you build palaces out of words—' she was saying, then spotted the two, '—I have to go. Yura's here. Alright, goodbye, my love.' 

She smiled at the Russian and Kazakh, 'Hi! Go on in, Josef and Georgi are here already.' 

'Thanks, El,' Yura said as she walked towards the ice, which seemed to be luring her. 

Phichit knew Georgi. They'd met at a bar shortly after Yura got kicked out of Yakov's years ago. He was a skater back then. He'd since retired and became a coach, working with Josef.  

Yura put on her skates and stepped onto the ice, immediately feeling relaxed. 

'Hello, Yura,' Georgi waved at her slowly. 

'Hey, Popovich,' she replied as she skated toward her two coaches.  

'Glad you could make it. Georgi here was telling me that you've improved on your Quadruple Salchow immensely. Let's warm you up, then show me what you can do. I want to see if you've really improved.' 

Yura nodded and began stretching, using the rink wall for support. She began skating, performing simple loops and spins. 

'You should take ballet again,' Georgi hummed as he watched her execute a flawless triple axel. 

'Why? I hate it,' Yura replied from some feet away. Ballet reminded her of Yakov. 

'Because, your movements are pretty, but they're not fluid and effortless. You need them to be graceful. You must be... a prima ballerina!' Georgi said with a lilting voice. 

'You're right. I'll contact Lilia,' Josef said. 

Lilia Baranovskaya. That Lilia. Yakov's ex-wife, the famed ballet instructor. 



*prezervatïvter - 'Condoms' in Kazakh

*Raqmet sizge* - 'Thank you' in Kazakh

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