Chapter 15

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The music thrums in the club, lights bedazzles the retinas of the pounding people on the dance floor. The club is alive, it's own thriving city at night. 

Elizabeth's curves fill her black dress, her bronze skin making the colours compliment her. Her honey coloured hair giving her a halo as she dances. Her body carefree, the beat pumping through her making her forget about everything else in the world.

Whereas, Scarlett stands at the bar ordering a coke for herself and a tequila for Elizabeth. Her purple dress emphasizes her dancer body, displaying her long, toned legs. Her blonde hair floating around her in curled ringlets. 

As Scarlett turns around to signal to Elizabeth, that her drink is ready, she finds that her friend is with another man. Someone she doesn't recognise but doesn't want to invade their song yet, as she'll let Elizabeth have her fun, there's no point in burdening her with her worries anyway. 

Elizabeth looks up to a guy, taking him in appreciatively. He is wearing dark jeans, that seem to hug the right area, a button down navy blue shirt, a shock of light brown hair styled in the trendy bed- head look. His black eyes smile down at her with mischief, making Elizabeth's heart stutter and smile in return but the fleeting feeling that he seems familiar, grazes her. 

He might have worked in the studios, when she was touring and bumped into him. But she wonders, how she could have missed him with the his chiselled features and perfect model body.

"What's your name? You seem familiar?" Elizabeth peers up at him into his dark eyes, shouting over the music. 

"I'll tell you after this song, if you dance with me." he seductively says, looking through his long eyelashes. 

Elizabeth giggles and far too willingly agrees, than she would have, if she had been in-tune with her cognitive skills. The alcohol rushes through her, clouding her judgments.

The heat and sweat rise between the throb of people, dancing to the up-beat dance anthem. Elizabeth and her new partner eagerly draw closer, evaporating their personal spaces.  

Scarlett sits on a bar stool sipping the refreshing coke, she's teetotal but it doesn't stop her being the wing-man for her best friend and absorbing the hyped up atmosphere. This is another world, all moral and restraints thrown away, almost an animalistic place. 

She catches sight of Elizabeth, throwing her moves with the six foot man, the laser lights flash around them. Scarlett can't see his face but he must be something, if Elizabeth is dancing like a maniac. 

Scarlett let's her shoulders relax a little, and plays with the lime in her drink, soaking in her thoughts. 

"Scar! Scar! Meet Sterling!" Elizabeth cheery voice echoes in Scarlett's ears.

Elizabeth is an annoyingly giggly, happy drunk, she rolls her eyes and turns around to see, who Elizabeth has caught now. 

But Scarlett eyes, slams into her worst nightmare. The monster of the supernatural world. Everything screams supernatural about him, how could she have not seen it before, when Elizabeth was dancing with him? How could she have let her best friend dance, with that? How could she have let Elizabeth be touched by him


"Liz!! Get away from him NOW!" Scarlett screams jumping up from her seat in shock, stumbling a little from her six inch stiletto heels, reaching to break Elizabeth's and Francis's tightly interlocked hands. 

"What no! This is Sterl." Elizabeth looks wildly at Scarlett but still maintaining the happy care-free smile on her face. 

"No it's not! Liz move. It's-" Scarlett tries to wrestle their hands away but Francis moves closer, snaking his hand around Elizabeth's hourglass figure. 

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