Chapter 16

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WARNING: This is a explicit and graphic chapter so if you're a young reader and you read this chapter you have a chance of being mentally scarred.


Nelson Barcroft, whose part of Elizabeth's backstage technician team, finally arrives home. He breathes a deep sigh of relief and instantly plants himself, on his worn leathered swivel desk-chair. He sinks right in, kicking off his shoes, as his high powered laptop reboots.

It 's getting late but he has nothing better to do on a Friday night and sleep evades him. So he is pleasantly satisfied, working with his self-improved softwares and  other electrical appliances, he is at various stages of  tweaking.

Nelson is perfectly aware, to others what he does in his spare time, may seen to be sad and slightly lonely but this is his passion. Like any man at twenty-six, with his sort of hobbies, his mother frequently nags him to get out there and socialise and perhaps find that "special someone". But the only "special someone", that he needs at the moment, is the one he is sitting in front of. His laptop.

He has always been that shy, nerdy kid, who has the silent confidence, that he excels at something. At times he can't help himself and shows off and impresses those few people, that decide to look at him more than once. Besides, his current job is only temporary, until he find his big break and then millions of people will appreciate his skills. 

However, It wasn't until a week ago though, that Nelson had a different response from his job. None other than from, the lead dancer, Scarlett, she flirted with him. Thinking about her, brings a hot flush across Nelson's cheeks. It didn't stop there though, no, she then went to the extent that she seductively slide out his phone from his front-shirt pocket. She struggled to work the devise, which he managed to convert into a portable computer by inserting a mini hard-drive in it. So Nelson had to teach her how to operate it, she learnt fast and tapped in her number. A glimmer of a smile flickers on his face, reminiscing  on how awestruck and open minded Scarlett had been. 

After that, though, everything just went downhill from there. When he was turning away, he harshly shoulder barged into the door, his limbs long turned into jelly. The rest of the way down that corridor he banged into the assortment of objects and collided with those few people ambling through, letting out squeaking apologies. Whilst the whole time, he could feel Scarlett's piercing eyes, on his back. She makes him nervous.

How could she not? She is stunning with the soft, shiny blonde hair that always seems to fall the right way. Porcelain skin that makes her bright, blue eyes stand out and those red lips. That girl, whose perfectly proportioned, pays him attention. No-one pays him attention. 

"Well, aren't you just the social butterfly, Nelson." a sarcastic male voice rings out from the doorway of his study. 

Nelson abruptly stops in mid-type, as his heart jumps. He leaps up from his desk chair, pushing it over in his hurry, grabbing the hockey stick laying under the desk, banging his head in the process. He courageously points it at the man, whose wearing a maroon hoodie, jeans and converses. The intruder's brown hair peaks out of the hood, which is doing little to shield his shiny, black eyes and white smirk on his chiselled face. 

"Oh, little Nelson, is trying to be brave, sweet." the man mocks with his arms crossed over and leaning against the doorway still, as Nelson's grip on his weapon tightens, to prevent it slipping through his quivering hands. 

"Who are you?" Nelson commands. 

The intruder laughs.

Nelson is sure he had set the highly sensitive alarm system around his apartment on automatic. How had this person got through it, without triggering it? He's entered his apartment now, why isn't he ransacking the place and tying Nelson up? Instead he's standing there, making fun of him. Is he that confident that Nelson won't be able to get away? 

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