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Okamoto Nobuhiko's PoV

"She's a new voice actor," Ryouhei-san said as he showed me a picture, where he took a selfie with Hosoya-san, Kakihara-san, Kaito-kun, Tattsun-san, Jun-san and a girl with a really familiar face.

"What's her name?" I asked him.

"Yoriki Johana. Do you know her?"

"I don't know, but she looks familiar, so I think I saw her somewhere before," I answered his question.

"The sweets she made at our after-party for Curtain was so good! I was thinking of telling you to come after. But then, I forgot," he ended with a sheepish laugh.

"It must be because you're drunk, or your forgetfulness came in," I stated before the door opened as a girl came in, with the same face like the one from the picture Ryouhei-san showed me.

"Please sit down, we're still waiting for the mangaka," a staff instructed as the girl sat besides Ryohei-san.

"Sorry about last night," I heard Ryouhei-san say as I just looked forward, trying to mind my own business.

"You don't have to apologize. You cleaned up afterwards, anyways," I heard her say. Even her voice is so nostalgic, gah! I smacked my head from the inside as I was having an internal war.

"Oh, by the way, Johana. I haven't introduced this guy to you yet," Ryouhei-san snapped me out of my thoughts as he patted my shoulders. "Do you know him?" he asked her.

"No," she answered after looking at me. I'm still sure I saw her somewhere before, I thought as I just gave a wide smile and intoduced myself.

"My name is Okamoto Nobuhiko," I introduced, holding my hand out.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Yoriki Johana," she shook my hand before two people came in. She let go of my hand, when the mangaka and his assistant arrived, and we started the meeting.


I'm gonna get going, Ryohei-san," I told Ryouhei-san, as we turned to Yoriki-san.

"Johana, are you going anywhere?"

"Home," she answered.

"Oh, okay. Nobu and I are going to our next schedule. See you tomorrow!" Ryouhei-san bid as Yoriki-san and I waved at each other before I shortly followed after my colleague.

"I'm sorry I was kinda late," I told him before he hailed a taxi and we went to our next schedule.

"So, do you remember where you think you saw her before?" I heard Ryohei-san inquire.

"Mm," I tried to think harder, but nothing came to mind. "No."

"Say, Nobu. I'm sorry for suddenly asking this, but do you have any news that from that admirer of yours from three years ago?" he asked as I recall a random memory.

"Eh, senpai? Why are you still here?" Kaito-kun suddenly appeared, taking my attention.

"I'm waiting," I answered him.

"But it's already 10:00pm," he said as I just yawned.

"No sweets arrived today. So, it might come late," I reasoned.

"What a lame reason. You should go home now, senpai. You're tired," he told me once more as I just kept on reasoning. After listening to him pester, I gave up and went home.

But still. Days, weeks, months and years passed, and no more sweets came, that I had to buy myself just to suffice my daily need.

"You're gonna buy another crepe?!" Wing-san exclaimed, while I didn't listen to him and just bought the food.

Amnesia (Okamoto Nobuhiko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now