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"Really?!" I gleamed in excitement as I received the script from the director.

"Yeah. Unfortunately, Fukuen-san had to back out because of personal reasons. I heard your voice sample not so long ago, so I know you'll fit the job," he informed me with a reassuring smile.

"I'll do my best!" I cheered as I bowed down. I went back to the recording room where 6 pairs of eyes were on me.

"So, what did the director tell you, Yoriki-san?" Ishikawa-kun asked me.

"Fukuen-san can't come today," I told them as I looked down with a sad face.

"So, the recording will be postponed?" Fukuyama-san questioned.

"No. I will be taking Fukuen-san's role. I know it seems unfair and all, but . . ."

"But you got chosen by the director, right?" Kimura-san cut me off.

"Okay! I'm all fired up!" Kakihara-san said as he laughed at the end.

"You got it from Natsu, didn't you?" I asked him as I gasped at myself. Who do I think I am talking to my Senpai like this?!

"Oh! You watch Fairy Tail, umm," Kakihara-san looked at me with a questioning face.

"I'm Yoriki Johana! Please take care of me!" I bowed to all of them.

"Nice to meet you, Yoriki. I'm Hosoya Yoshimasa," he greeted as he held his hand out. I already know you though, I thought, but still giving him a smile.

"I'm Suzuki Tatsuhisa. Sure you've heard of me," he ended with a laugh as we shook hands. You got that right, the thought came to my mind as a laughing emoji appeared in my head.

"Okay guys, sorry to cut off your introductions, and she must've been to nervous to say but she already knows you all," the director said through the intercom as Hosoya-san and Suzuki-san looked defeated, while Ishikawa-san just chuckled at the sides.

"You knew?!" Suzuki-san half-yelled at Ishikawa-san as I just laugh at their childishness.

"I'm sorry, Suzuki-san! I was only supposed to keep quiet with Hosoya-san, but I was too busy laughing to stop you," Ishikawa-san managed to say in between his laughs as he tries to defend himself from Suzuki-san's mini-attacks.

"Okay, let's start!" the director said as we all got ready.


After 4 hours of recording, we managed to dub three episodes of the anime.

"That's all for today!" the director announced.

"Thank you for the hardwork!" we bowed at the staff, and then to each other.

"Yoriki-san, do you have anything to do after this?" Ishikawa-san asked me.

"I don't, since I just started earlier," I told him.

"We're actually going out to eat," Kakihara-san entered while putting his arms over Ishikawa-san's shoulders.

"And drink," Kimura-san added with a wide grin.

"Please take care of me," I bowed down as they just laughed and we went along.

We ate at this sushi place because Hosoya-san said he was suddenly craving for one.

"Yoriki-san, do you drink?" Kimura-san asked.

"I do, but usually just on special occasions," I told him as I took a bite from a sushi on my plate.

"It is a special occasion, Yoriki!" cheered a half-drunk Kakihara-san. "Today is your first day in the voice acting world," he raised his glass and yelled, "CHEERS!"

"CHEERS!" Suzuki-san toasted with Kakihara-san.

"By the way, where's Fukuyama-san and Hosoya-san?" I asked Ishikawa-kun who was pouring beer into his glass.

"Fukuyama-san went to the bathroom and Hosoya-san got a call, so he answered it outside," he said and sipped from his glass. Maybe I should take it easy and drink too?

"Ishikawa-kun, can you hand me a bottle?" I asked him as his eyes widened.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Kimura-san beamed as he sang a random song with the half-drunk Suzuki-san and a barely sober Kakihara-san.


"Crap, they got too drunk," I told myself as I stare at the 6 men standing in front of me, singing a song I don't know, and dancing like a limp penguin.

And one by one, some of them got picked up, and some just went home by themselves. And now, I'm left alone with Suzuki-san and Kimura-san.

"Who knew that our newbie girl here had a really high alcohol tolerance?"Suzuki-san teased as he hung his arms over my shoulders. This guy is big and his arm is heavy, I thought to myself.

"You're just drunk, Suzuki-san," I told him.

"Tattsun is fine," said Suzuki-san with a smile like a baby's grin.

"You can call me, Ryouhei too," Kimura-san said from my other side. I just sighed as I hailed a taxi and bid goodbye to my senpais.

Arriving at the hotel's entrance, I paid the driver and went to my room, when I suddenly remembered something.

I got my phone from my pocket, sat on my bed and dialed his number. After a few rings, somebody picked it up.

"Hello, Johana-san?" Eh, a girl?!

"Umm, err," I managed to mumble as I was trying to fond the words to say.

"If you're looking for Yoshio-san, he is in the bathroom," she stated as I sighed in relief.

"Oh, I thought I called the wrong number," I ended with a sheepish laugh.

"This is Saitou Mitsuki. Yoshio-san's girlfriend," she informed.

"Oh nice to meet you," Wait, what?! "Girlfriend?!"

"Yes. It seems like it'll take him longer than expected. Would you like me to deliver a message to him?"

"Actually . . . Why don't you send me your number? I need to talk to you," after I heard an affirmative response, I hung up and got a message afterwards.


I got your number from Yoshio-san's phone. I'll call you later. After this mesage is sent, I will delete this and I deleted your call from his call history. This is Mitsuki.

I jumped in delight after I read the message.

"I think I'm gonna support Saitou-san for Yoshio-kun," I told myself as I got ready for a bath.

After doing so, I changed into red PJs before I got a call from an unknown. Assuming it was Saitou-san, I answered it.

"Hello?" I called out.

"Is this Johana-san?" the same voice earlier answered.

"Yes, is this Saitou Mitsuki-san?" I questioned as I heard a hum on the other side.

"Let's talk tomorrow, Johana-san. It's getting pretty late. I just wanted to confirm your number," she informed.

"Yeah, I'm getting sleepy as well. I'll talk to you tomorrow then," I bid goodbye before hearing beeps, indicating, she hung up.

A/N: Lol, I know its short. Wahahahahahahahaha.

This is a Nobu fanfic, there's a Nobu picture but Nobu hasn't appeared yet. Oh well.

Happy birthday to Shimono-san! The VA of my (current) no.1 favorite male anime character in the cute category, Kurusu Syo!

I'm probably also gonna do my best to update tomorrow and the day after tomorrow for Saito Soma and Morohoshi Sumire.

Bye bye now.

Published: April 21,2017 6:27pm

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