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I think I like Nobu-san.

"GAH!" I screamed at my pillow, as I rolled on the bed. "I can't blame myself. I shouldn't blame myself. He's a very cute guy who is easy to like. I'm not inlove, I'm just infatuated by his cuteness, that's all," I told myself.

It's been a week since we finished recording for PJ-kun and His Adventures, and I last talked to Nobu-san. And all I've thought about all week is Nobu-san's face in my mind! And we were supposed to have our first radio program together later with Ryouhei-san too.

"Ehh? Emi-chan, what do I do? I'm classmates with Okamoto-san again," my 17-year old self complained to my best friend as I looked at the list of students assigned to each class.

"Why don't you take this chance and talk to him? This is our last year in high school, Johana," she looked at me with squinted eyes.

"Yeah, but--"

"It's not that easy, blah blah blah. You kept saying that ever since middle school," she said as she went inside the classroom. I just followed her inside and sat on my seat.

I plugged my ear buds and listened to some songs before I felt a presence take a seat beside me. I opened my left eye to see a familiar face. Okamoto-san!

"Okay class, settle down now," the teacher said coming in, as I was just about to go outside due to embarassment. Do not look on the left, do not look on the left! I warned myself.


"Gah!" I accidentaly threw the pillow at the door, where I saw Yoshio-kun's pale face, as he barely dodged the pillow. "Ah! I'm sorry, Yoshio-kun!" I told him ad I got up, picked up my pillow and stood in front of him.

"A delivery came in for you," he informed.

"What, really?" I gleamed in excitement as I threw my pillow back to the bed, and went at the door to see a mailman.

"Yoriki Johana-san?"

"Ah! It's you again, Mr Mailman!" I exclaimed as I signed on a paper that was attachted on his clipboard. "Thank you!" I thanked him before getting the small box and closed the door.

"What is that?" I heard Yoshio-kun ask from the kitchen as I went to the living room.

"I'm just about to open it," I ansered him as I unboxed the package. "Ah! Calligraphy pens! It even has instructions!" I beamed in delight as I twirled around the room admiring the gift.

"No address?" my best friend mumbled.

"Ever since my first recording for PJ-kun and His Adventures, I've been receiving lots of scrapbooking stuff from an unknown fan every day," I told.him as he just hummed in response. "Why did you suddenly ask?"

"Nothing serious. I was just curious," he replied as I just exasperatedly sighed.

"HOW DO YOU RHYME LIKE THAT?!" I shouted before giving no heed to any answer he'll give and decided to get ready for my work.


"Should I enter? What do I do? What if he's in there already?!" I talked to myself, holding the doorknob.

"Eh? Johana? What are you doing?" I heard a voice, and turned to see Ryouhei-san jogging towards me.

"Ah, I-I'm just having a hard time opening the knob, umm, yeah!" I stuttered, scratching the back of my head. Nice follow, me! My inner chibi gave me a thumbs up.

"Let me do it," he said as I moved, and he easily opened the door. It's not like it was really hard for me, I thought as I just gave a sheepish smile.

Amnesia (Okamoto Nobuhiko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now