Chapter Sixty One

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Darcy's P.O.V.

Harry handed me the tablets along with some water and I swallowed it without any question. Louis was sleeping in the chair beside me. He looked extremely tired and it was kind of comforting to watch him sleep peacefully.

"Harry?" I called him. He was zoning out for every few minutes. When he first saw me, he literally wept with joy. I was so happy to see him too but I didn't cry because I was totally drained at that time.

"Mhmm?" he asked me, running his fingers through his hair to keep it out of his eyes.

"Where is Niall?" I asked him, wrapping my hands around my knees to comfort the cold feeling in my chest. Whenever I think about Niall, which is constantly, a cold fear grips my heart. After I asked him to give me some time alone with Louis, he did not return. It's been two hours now and still he did not return.

After Louis dozed off, I took myself some time and called my mom. She showered me with questions. I answered the concerned ones and ignored the curious ones. When she told me that she is going to come over to see me. I told her that it was not needed and that my brother Paul and my step-father need her at home anyways. She was kind of persuasive but I managed to convince her otherwise. However, she promised to visit me tommorrow.

"Love, I told you. He went to freshen and clear some things up" Harry sighed, tired of the question already since I asked him already before.

"Clear what things up?" I asked him again, curiously. Harry shook his head slowly, like You don't have to bother about it.

Before I could further enquire him, the door opened and Rose stepped in. She literally ran to me and I managed to stand up with all the strength I could muster. I fell into her arms, overwhelmed with joy. Reunion with everyone is already exhausting but I'm happy to see all the familiar and loving faces again.

"Don't ever scare me like that again" Rose breathed, her arms still tight around me.

"I didn't mean to" I replied, tears already forming near the corner of my eyes.

She nodded and I pulled back, looking at her tear stricken face, "Where is Lara?" I asked her.

"At last, you seem to remember me" Lara said from near the doorway and now the tears flowed freely down the cheeks. I was truly and really overwhelmed with joy. It has been really long since I saw her and I missed her terribly.

Now I embraced her instead, her strong body engulfing my petite one and we both silently sobbed, just happy to see each other again. She pulled back first, wiping her eyes. Lara is strong, she doesn't cry that easily. I have never seen her cry like this before.

"You little shit" she scolded me but with a small smile on her face. "Believe me, I told them to send you a note to threaten you. Were you scared?" I teased her.

"Scared?" she scoffed, wiping her hands under her eyes. I gave a short laugh and retired to sit down on the bed again. She sat down with me. And we started talking about everything and anything but carefully avoiding the incident that we all dreaded. Louis woke up and indulged in the conversation too. Liam walked in half an hour later. Me, Rose, Lara, Harry, Liam, Louis, we all sat around the room and talked like we never did before. The world outside forgetten as we all told our different incidents of our life and tried to make it funny as possible for others to listen.

I laughed genuinely, sometimes clutching my stomach when tears threatened to spill from too much laughing.

At the end of the day, the only thing missing was the presence of Niall.


"You have to meet up with two officers tomorrow Darce. There are going to ask you some questions. You can answer honestly. We hired them" Harry informed me after everyone exited the room. Rose, Harry and Louis decided to stay in the hospital with me tonight. They told that I'm still weak and that the wounds all over my body should heal at least half way before I go home. I was exhausted down to the bone so I did not protest though I was scared to stay here. But Niall did not return, yet. I even called him but he wouldn't pick up.

Louis went out to get some food for us, Rose went home to freshen and get some clothes to wear. Harry kept me company which was immensely needed by me and I was grateful for that.

I nodded my head and picked at the ends of the white hospital blanket.

"Harry, it's not your fault" I told him, he visibly stiffened.

I cracked a small smile which he failed to return. "It is partly my fault, Darcy" Harry said, looking down and fiddling with his fingers.

"No, Harry. It is not. You couldn't have done anything about it" I tried to comfort him when I also needed it the most.

He shook his head, looking me in the eye. He smiled, "You're a sweet girl, Darcy" he said, smiling and I winked at him, poking my tongue out. He laughed and I joined him, trying to ignore the sharp pain injecting my stomach. I winced then, unable to hold in the pain.

"Are you okay? Do you need some painkillers?" Harry asked. I shook my head, taking deep breaths and willed the pain to go away.

"I'm okay" I said when I was able to speak. "Harry, do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Niall has some paperwork to clear up. He has to clear things up with the management and the media. He made the whole house an utter mess when you went missing. I bet he's cleaning that up" he put his hands up in the air. I smiled and shook my head and pushed my unruly hair back.

"Do you think that Niall doesn't want to talk to me because they.." I trailed off unable to say the words.

"They what, Darcy?" Harry's tone was serious.

"Do you think he knows that they touched me?" I closed my eyes and let the words spill out of my mouth and the tears out of my eyes. 


Again, please don't kill me. I hope everything will turn all right in the end. ;P

With all my love,


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