Chapter One

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Niall's P.O.V.

I mindlessly scrolled through my phone waiting for Alexandra's text. It's been three hours since she went to the salon. I don't know what is taking her so long to get it all done. I huffed in frustration and decided to go through the gallery. I'm usually not the one to sit around doing nothing. I do something. Always.

I always have a plan to meet with friends or go to the golf course or watch some games with the lads or atleast play some video games. But I promised Alex that I'll take her out somewhere today. I bet that she obviously wants to go the mall and it's going to be really annoying to have the bodyguards around since there is a very huge chance that we may get mobbed. I don't mind it much because all I want to do is spend some time with my girl.

I don't think that she thinks that I'm really good boyfriend material but I want to prove it to her somehow. I will show that I'm the one she is looking for. I'll make her mine someday.

My mind drifted off to fantasies where she is hopelessly in love with me. I still don't have a clue why I want her to be the one. I just desperately want someone and she does not seem like a bad choice. One thing I like about her is that she does not really complain about my eating, which makes her not annoying. She also doesn't mind spending time with me and she is really good in satisfying my sexual needs and I gladly return the favor whenever I can.

I pause my ever running thoughts when I look at a picture which I snapped mindlessly. We were on the beach. It was almost reaching night. The sun was setting but it was not really dark yet. We were bantering over stupid things when she spotted a butterfly. She paused her talking and took a moment to admire it and that is when I snapped the picture. That was her moment of vulnerabilty. Her lips parted slightly in awe and her hand halfway reached out like a kid trying to touch the moon but not really touching it. The breeze disturbed her hair. Her knees were pulled close to her chest and the sunset cast artistic shadows on her silhoutte. We don't go out much, we usually spend time indoors so I decided that this will be one of the pictures that I will cherish.

"Let's go to the gym" Harry tugged at my arm. I groaned.

"No, Harry" I said, not really trying to hide my frustration because he knows that I don't love going to the gym.

I pushed his arm away when my phone vibrated with a ping. Harry sighed, shaking his head like a mom who couldn't get her kid to do the right thing. I raised my brows at him momentarily before returning my attention to the phone.

"It's Alexandra again, isn't it?" his question interuppted me again and I plastered a huge grin on my face just to annoy him and nodded my head at him vigorously. He shook his head again like this I couldn't just get any better.


The tip of my shoe was frayed slightly with all the kicking I'm doing right now. I drag the pebble back to the same spot again with my foot and repeat the same thing. My fingers grip the edge of my hat and pull it down more firmly since the last thing I want to do is get mobbed right now.

Seriously, she told me to wait outside the parlor and now I've been here for almost an hour and a half and she still isn't here. I leaned against the wall and look at my car. I genuinely wonder where I parked my last car. I must've been drunk that night and I also don't remember with whom I came home that night. The car that I lost was one of my favorites but still I think I'll like to know where I left it.

Suddenly I hear a door opening and stand up straight reflexsively, thinking that it is Alex but it turns out to be some other girl. I couldn't see her face clearly. One hand was on her cheek, wiping away tears, her other hand gripped the bag tightly that was slung along her shoulder. Her lower lip was trembling but there was something inviting about her presence like she could just make everything alright with her smile. Her brunette hair got messed up ever so slightly as she ran her fingers through it. She was not that tall but she was not short either.

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