-Chapter 1-Edited

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His hood bounced slowly, trembling only slightly as he took each step across the polished cement. The dark blue fabric bounced up, then down, up then down. Everyone's eyes watched carefully through the dark shadow that was casted on each of their faces. 

They stood erect, shoulders the only exception, with most of them having their shoulder's slightly slumped. Hands became fists as their hearts trembled, though no one allowed their emotions to become pronounced in the bleak lighting of the large room. 

The blue Hood stopped at the end of the line of other black Hoods. He himself, though a shadow was cast down across his face, was blinking ferverently behind it. They could even see the  trembling lips. 

The blue Hood looked quickly at the black Hoods, fear seeping from every pore on his body. They could very well smell it on him, though this was not their concern. Red Hood was the man they wanted to see. 

Suddenly, steps could be heard and red material shone beneath the poor lighting. Each step on the concrete echoed off the walls as though they were standing in a cave. 

The black Hoods bit their lips in anticipation. 

"My fellow Hoods." The voice adressed, he turning to look at each of them, though it was obvious no eye contact could very well be made with any of them. 

The gesture was present and that's all the red Hood actually wanted. 

"My loyal Hoods." He said a bit louder this time with a soft tone of humor lacing his words. 

"I call you in today, only to see you within your flesh. Within your body that you stand in and the symbolic hood on which rests on your very shoulders. The color represents your high status in this society. Though many show fear towards you, it's not what you think it is. It's only respect. Respect for keeping them safe another day." 

He paused thoughtfully, his gaze downcast now, as he folded his hands behind his back. He stood  straighter, clearing his throat before giving a sigh. 

"I simply wanted to show my appreciation. When I was younger, I too, was a black Hood. Though, then, I was a bit more nimble and quick., But my mind.." He pointed towards his temple, ".. is as sharp as ever. That's why I became the red Hood, my children." 

He stopped again, allowing his words to sink in. The soft 'pitter-patter' of water drops fell from the ceiling and onto the floor. 

"Now, my Hood's. I release you once more. Your tasks have been clearly presented by me,  and I should hope you all are following them through, completing them with the best of your ability."

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