Don't Let Them Take Me.

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Jon was pacing back and forth whilst Adam was trying to comfort him.

"Calm down mate, I get it if you don't wanna talk to me but honestly I'm scared shitless too."

Jon clenched his fist and continued to ignore Adam. His heart was beating fast but his thinking was slow as his eyes glanced over to the window where he could see the doctors surrounding Russell.

They shut the blinds.

This was not good at all, Jon knew what this meant. There was a 90% chance the last time he would see Russell was at his funeral. He looked at Adam, who was nervously counting change from his pocket.

"I'm sorry but, you're counting your change when your best friend is in there very likely dying." Jon lashed out at Adam.

"This is the very coin he picked up for me the first time I met him." He answered. "I dropped my wallet on the floor outside the studios because the dumb arse ran into me." Adam laughed, putting the coin back into his pocket.

"You really liked him, didn't you?" Jon asked as he sat next to Adam. It was safe to say at this point they were both crying at the thought of Russell leaving them. Jon was thinking through all the times he had with Russell, like on the plane. Before the piece of crap went down him and Russell had been relaxed and when they did the radio shows on 6 Music, when they had first met. When they both came out to each other and when they announced it on the last leg. The first time Russell had done something like this and scared Jon out of his skin. It was happening all over again, they weren't gonna let this one slide. 

The curtains opened again and the team of doctors were sighing in relief.

Didn't stop them both from crying though.

"Excuse me, Jon?" An unfamiliar voice said from behind him.

"That's me." Jon said turning around. It was a police officer.

"When Russell wakes up he'll have to go to an Urgent Psychiatric Centre." 

"Oh, o-ok." Murmured Jon, trying to hold tears back.

"Now, we are led to believe he was on some antidepressants, has he been taking them?" The officer asked pulling out his notepad.

"I should think so."

"Do you have any proof?"

"The tablets were in his travel bag, I'll go and check."

Jon walked over to where he was sat and picked up the bag and started rummaging through the unorganised mess that was Russell's bag.

The tablets were right at the bottom, It'd been two months and the packet said 'lasts one month, please replace after this time.'  Why wasn't he taking them? The only one that was gone was the one Jon had dropped in his water on the first day.

Jon wanted to lie to the cop but he couldn't, seeing as though he was stood looking over Jon.

The next morning, Russell was escorted to the Urgent Psychiatric Centre by a couple of the police men. Some of the last words he'd heard from Jon were "Take whatever medicine they give you, for me, maybe you'll get to see me again in the very near future."

"Don't let them take me, Jon." Russell shouted as they dragged him out.

"I've tried Russell, I love you, don't forget that." Jon shouted over the commotion.

"I love you too and I'm sorry Jon."

The doors had shut and Jon didn't know what to do, he just stood there, in shock at what had just happened to Russell. So did Adam.  Adam hugged Jon and he welcomed it, after all he needed it after what had happened. 

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