《 22 》

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Jungkook's pov

"Hyung! Where were you?" I found Taehyung casually smiling and taking off his shoes after running to the front door.

"Oh? Jungkook-ah!" He stood in front of me after his shoes were put neatly (ish) in the cabinet. "Ahhhh, right, you were playing Overwatch when I left."

"Yeah! We were supposed to talk, remember? But you were showering at that time so I just left to play some games."

"Heh, well there's no need to talk anymore."


"I went to talk to," he suspiciously looked around the room and playfully leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Hye Soo." I winced at how ticklish his breath was, and went wide eyed because of his words and his oddly cheerful smile.

"Ok... what did she tell you?"

"Everything!" He flailed his arms up for emphasis like a kid. "Eh. Veury. Ting."

He proceeded to skip to the kitchen and find food, not letting go of the ridiculously cheerful grin on his face. "Everything, huh..." I mumbled to myself.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, using my shirt to rub away the fingerprints covering the screen. It didn't do much, but, hey, better than nothing. "Did u talk to Taehyung hyung today?" I messaged Hye Soo.



"And what? Do you want an in depth essay on what happened?"

"Sure! ^^"

"No. Shut up. I have homework"

"Ok ok fine. I just want to know how much he knows and why you told him"

"1) I told him pretty much everything you know, except what we talked about today. 2) Is there any point of hiding it from him after he clearly overheard the truth? That just makes things seem suspicious"

"K then. Anyways you know the plan, right?"

"Yeah.. but I don't know if I want to go through with it. It's pretty risky"

"Nothing compared to high school"

"For YOU, but not for ME"

"Hey what does that mean?"

"JUNGKOOOOOOK-AH!" Ho Seok ran over and hugged me to death. "You finally stopped being a hermit!"

"Ah, hyung! You're hurting me! Plus when was I a hermit?"

"Uh, when were you never a hermit? And I'm not letting you go until you tell me what you're doing, smiling at your phone and all"

"bUt HyUNg I cAn'T BReAthE!"

"Oops," he let go and smiled apologetically. "Seriously though, why you smiling at your phone like a boy in love?"

"Who said I was?"

"Says me, who can actually see your expression unlike you."

"Well I'm not doing anything on it," I didn't dare turn on my phone to check Hye Soo's message. Instead, I flicked Ho Seok's forehead and went to the living room to join everyone for a movie session.

"OY JIN HYUNG! WHERE'S THE POPCORN?!!" Yoongi yelled while lounging on the couch with his phone. Jimin did the same, but faced the opposite direction.

"I'M MICROWAVING IT CHILL, OK?!" Jin screamed from the kitchen.

"Wait for meeeeee~" Taehyung came running in carrying a dozen snacks and stuffed animals. He plopped himself on the floor, right in front of the tv.

"Hey, you two! Move your legs! Other people want to sit here, you know?" Namjoon slapped Yoongi and Jimin's legs. Reluctantly, the obeyed, mumbling "yes fadurh" while doing so.

I took a seat right next to Taehyung, attempting to steal his snacks. He saw and slapped my hand, then grinned and fed me a snack. Jin came with two bowls of popcorn and sat beside me. I tried stealing popcorn from him, but he smacked my head instead. Ho Seok sat on the couch with the other 3, who were bickering about where the remote was.

"Stand up, you might be sitting on it," Namjoon raised both of his arms, gesturing for Yoongi to get up.

"Nah, too lazy. Let's just eat snacks for the night," Yoongi replied.

"Just get upppp!" Ho Seok and Namjoon attempted to move Yoongi, who sat there like a rock. Jimin was just casually searching and eating popcorn.

This is the perfect time, I thought. I pulled out my phone again and checked my messages.

"Nothiinngg~ But I don't know about your plan. It's been so long I stopped caring. Just enjoy your time with the members while you're here. Why are you guys staying in Daegu instead of visiting your parents or going on vacation, though? Oh and one last thing. DON'T BOTHER ME TOMORROW! I have an exam coming up soon, and I neeeeed to pass"

"Watcha doin?" Taehyung said, leaning over to look at my phone while nomming on snacks.

"Nothing," I responded and lightly tapped his cheek to turn his head away. As I did so, I turned off my phone so that he wouldn't be able to see the messages. "Can we watch the movie now?"


(Hye Soo's pov)

"Excuse me, miss?" the voice snapped me back into reality.

"Huh?" No, Hye Soo, you're not sitting in a Ferris wheel living those cliche romance stories. You're sitting in a cab, smiling like an idiot. Oh, and you have to pay.

The taxi driver tapped the price meter. "Ahh, sorry, here you go." I smiled, embarrassed, and handed him the money. My hands fumbled with the handle of the car door, taking me forever to get out. I bowed at the taxi driver, thanking him for the ride as he drove off.

I turned, skipping towards the steps to home, so out of it that I nearly slammed into the door. I mean I did, but it was my back that did, not my face. Not like I was any better inside either.

My homework was barely of any use, considering my random doodles of smiling faces everywhere. That and, it's homework. When it comes to it, I prefer getting it done over quality. Not like I'll pass either way, right?

Bing! I ran for my phone, excited. Why was I excited? I wasn't sure either.

"Did u talk to Taehyung hyung today?" the message from Jungkook read.

"Did I talk to Taehyung today? DID I talk to Taehyung today? Well yes I did." I nearly replied.

Too much? I contemplated. I reread the sentence. Yeah, too much. And that's why I replied with a simple "Yup".

Yup. I talked to Taehyung today. Yup. I did. I allowed myself to sink back in my chair and recall the memories...

"Taehyung!" I shouted and walked towards him, tired from running around and trying to find him. He jogged over so we would meet, a little closer than I had expected, though. We looked at each other for a good while, grinning. Only a few inches separated us.

"So, where should I start?" I saw his smile fade and panicked. "I-I mean, what, what do you want to know?"

"About this situation?" I nodded in response. "Everything. Including the information about you and Jungkook."



I sighed a bit. "This is gonna take a while."



Heh Hye Soo autocorrects to "Bye Zoo" on my phone.

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