xi | Solved Riddle

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"Scarlett... Scarlett!"

Said teen shot up out of bed, almost hitting Nya in the face. She whipped her head from side to side, staring at her surroundings; she was back in her shared room.

Nya was next to her, already changed into her red outfit. It seemed like she had been shaking her for who knows how long.

"If I have to wake up early, so do you."

So that's who was calling me... she told herself.

"Nya," Scarlett began as she got out of bed, "I had the craziest dream."

The girl in red took out her friend's usual bodysuit and tights, tossing it onto her bed. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. I got eaten by a dragon."

She sent her a teasing smile. "Maybe it's a sign."

"A sign?"

Nya grabbed her conical boomerang from under her bed—a weapon nobody but Scarlett had seen yet—and balanced it on top of her head.

"You will have the ability to transform into one of the beasts that roam the sky," she recalled Wu's words with a low voice, mimicking him. "You will be able to transform into a dragon!"

"Pfft." The teen lightly laughed with a sudden, casual smile. "Yeah, okay. But if that is a sign, I wonder what that means for me."

Nya slipped the boomerang back in its place, hidden from sight once again. "Well, hopefully it's just a bad dream."

¤ ¤

The four ninjas got out of bed and began preparing for the day in unison.

"Hey, so if Scarlett has elemental powers... does that mean she's gonna be a ninja like us?" Jay asked as he tied his robe together.

"Well, based on what Sensei told us yesterday, she might be," Cole replied. "She's gonna need a lot of training, though. Poor girl took half an hour last night just to hold a spear right."

"What color do you think she'd wear?" Kai questioned. "She looks good in black. Cole, mind giving up your color?"

"You're serious? I look good in black. Maybe she could be, like... yellow."

Jay scrunched his face in a grimace. "Yuck. Now I know why Sensei chose our colors."

Kai simply started naming random ones off the top of his head. "Purple? Gray? Pink?"

"No, no, none of those feel right. Hmm..."

"Well, whatever it is, if she's gonna be a ninja, then she should be helping answer this riddle too. I honestly hope Sensei forgot about the whole thing."

"Unfortunately, I don't think that is the case. However..." Zane finally spoke up, his expression brightening. "I may have the answer to what we're looking for."

¤ ¤

Giddy, the four finally appeared at the door of their master.

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