xxii | Personal Connection

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Zane held a falling-unconscious Kai by the shoulders. The times he was thrown head first into the tree barks started to take a toll.

Cole limped, dragging his right leg along. After being kicked back and forth like a ball, he deduced that out of all the bruises on his body, the one on his leg was the worst. He was hit right in the knee, and he swore the Treehorn dislocated it. Which would be very, very bad.

Jay had a streak of dry blood on his face from lifting up his hood that had wet blood on it. A few moments at a time, he felt his chest tighten and he couldn't breathe. His stomach hurt so bad from the constant pounding.

Though the nindroid was perfectly fine.

Thankfully, because if not, the three would have had a lot of trouble getting on the Bounty. Nya and Scarlett gasped upon meeting them on deck.

Jay scared them the most, because, well... blood. The former hurried over, cupping his face with one hand.

"What happened!?" she asked with a frown.

"A bunch of trees..." he replied before he lost oxygen again. He placed a hand on his stomach, closing his eyes.

"My god..." Scarlett muttered. Cole tried taking another step forward but tripped. She caught him before he hit the ground.

He gave up and just dug his face into her neck. "They kicked me like a god damn soccer ball."


"I will explain everything," Zane told the girls with a small smile. "I hope you are ready with the supplies. And... there is a lot to tell."

"Yeah, of course... we brought them into the Bridge as soon as we got your message."

"Scarleeeeeeeeett," Kai whined with his eyes still closed. "Is that you?"

Said teen sighed as she stood the man she held up straight. "Okay, let's help them out. Did you even get the Fangblade?"

"What went down today had nothing to do with the Fangblades... or the Serpentine for the matter," Zane began to speak as the three who were in perfectly good health helped those who weren't.

As all of the medical supplies were placed in the Bridge, the three were brought there. Zane helped Kai sit down on the table, Scarlett had Cole sit in a chair, and Jay was surprisingly capable of standing.

Kai immediately started laying down. Zane sighed.

He turned to both teens. "I feel I should start off with..." He untied his robe, lifted his t-shirt, and opened the hatch in his stomach to reveal all those wires and switches.

Nya and Scarlett both gasped in unison. Their jaws were practically on the floor.

They walked toward him. Nya placed a hand on his shoulder, leaning down to see, and Scarlett got on her knees.

"Not that I'm gonna touch any of these buttons... but god, I wanna touch all of these buttons..." The latter whispered in awe.

"Can I like... study you?" Nya asked, her eyes slightly wide and focused on what was inside him.

"Um... sure? Also, please refrain from touching any of these specific buttons for now..."

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