Observation: 11/16/2017

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    While watching the patient, I noticed a few attributes in Abigail's personality that are alarming. Her identities change at a hasty pace. One minute she was weeping about how she wanted to be released from her cell, and the next minute she was calling out to her listeners with an infuriated tone.

    After reading her profile, I have come to the realization that she has had three  identify changes recorded. The changes recorded include intense anger, terrifying paranoia, and childish behavior that is normal for her age. When reading on about her case, I realized she did not acquire each identity at one time, but she acquired them gradually over the time of 2 months. After learning all of this information, I became curious as to what the cause of her disorder is.

       The suspecting cause of Abigail's disorder is the fact that she witnessed her own parents murder. The report concludes that coming home from a restaurant on February 3, 2016, her and her family stumbled upon a robbery taking place in their own home. When the criminals noticed the family had returned they immediately killed the two adults. They did not see the little girl at the side of the victims before the victims were dead and a child was trying to wake them up. They took what they wanted and left the child with the dead bodies of her parents.

    The event that took place does sound like many other cases of Borderline Personality Disorder where the causes were traumatic events. This fact leads me to believe that the other doctors are correct when assuming the murder of her parents is the cause for her mental illness.

    While observing the patient on November 16 of 2017, I was able to watch a personality change myself. I hinted at the fact of her personality change in the beginning of this passage, but now I will talk more about the experience.

    I observed the patient in an enclosed room with monitors watching an abundance of patients, so I was not in the presence of the patient herself.  The patient occupied a padded cell, and she wore a straight jacket to restrain herself. A few minutes into the observation she stood up and started calling out for anyone to come help her, she gave up on that tactic after about 5 minutes. She sat down and cried for sometime before her head jerked up and her eyes were full of anger. She started talking to myself as a listener, calling me names such as coward, and telling me to come down and see her. It was quite the turn of events from her crying from a few moments ago. I decided to leave the monitoring room at that moment.

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