Chapter 7

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     I palm the smooth, cold metal in my hands. Slowly, my fingers brush against the deadly weapon as if it is a delicate flower. With its sharp edges and curves it can cause a lot of damage; just what I need at this moment.

     I walk down the same hallway as always, But this time as I walk down the hallway, my steps are sure and planned out. With large strides I walk into Abigail’s cell.

     Once I reach her cell, I switch the knife to my right hand, and grab the doorknob with my left. Anger pulses under my skin as if it is alive and thriving. It is alive. It Claws with impatience and growls in annoyance. It needs to be let out. I swipe my acsess card through the scanner on the side of the door. With a quick flick of the wrist I open the door. The door squeaks open quietly and slowly.

     It's funny how deja-vu can strike a mind at any moment. Like right now, I see the same scene I saw at the first day I came to this hospital. A lump the same color as the walls in the corner of the padded cell. A lump that is also a little girl with dirty blond hair and deep brown eyes. I use to feel bad for this little girl. I use to ask myself what I could do to try and help her, but I don't ask my self any questions now. I don't give anything a second thought as a walk over to Abigail's sleeping form and plunge the knife into her back.

     I feel Abigail’s body tense for a second before a strangled gurgling sound comes from her throat.  Without warning, an inhuman shriek  echoes off the walls. The animalistic scream cuts off after a couple seconds and is replaced by the gurgling sound that she made before. The sound doesn't stop and I start to panic and look towards the door. It's taking too long! I grab onto the knife and slowly start to pull it out of Abigail's back so it is free again. I raise the knife again, and with one swift movement I stab Abigail again. This time I take out the knife immediacy after I stab her. This wound is a few inches left of the other and in the very center of Abigail. She quivers in the same spot for a little and then her tense body drops into a relaxed state.

     A slow, thick river of blood seeps through the beige straight jacket. The blood soaks and stains the cloth fast. In a matter of seconds, Abigail's back is so red I'm starting to question is it was beige to begin with. The river doesn't stop there. It flows onto the floor and start to puddle at my feet. Just before the puddle meets my shoes, I step away and drop the knife. The weapon drops to the floor with a loud clatter that makes me flinch.

Oh my God. What did I do? Oh my god. I bring my hands to cover my mouth as salty tears start to trail down my cheeks. Soon, strong sobs are wracking through my body. I soon fall to my knees. I sit for an unmeasurable amount of time. I sit on the ground beside a sea blood that is nothing compared to the tears I'm drowning in, a knife that no longer shines with cleanliness, and the body of a little girl who had hardly any control over her mind before I took away the whole thing.

     As my senses start coming back, I notice the light emitting from behind my back. I turn my head and am met with the sight of black clothed, scary looking individuals. They are organized into an orderly line, and all armed with some sort of gun. The light was coming off of flashlights attached to their guns.

     A man walks to the front of the group and addresses me cautiously.“Mam’ you're going to have to come with us

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