Chapter 3

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Appointment: 11/17/2017

     As I enter the hospital, the sound of a slamming door comes from behind me. That was loud. Ms. Heart is looking at me with surprise now. I curse myself for being so loud. I keep walking until I reach her desk.

     “Evelyn! Back so soon?” she asks before I can get a word out of my mouth. She still has that same fake smile set in place. They must not get a lot of visitors here. Either that or she just doesn't think I am worthy of Dr. Mathews’ time.

     “Yes! I will be working here for a few months, so you'll be seeing me pretty often,” I tell her. Once again, her fake smile falters for just a second, but it is soon back.

     “That's great! Would you like me to notify Dr. Mathews that you're here?” She asks. I nod to her question, and the whole process happens again. She picks up the phone, talks into it, waits for a reply, talks into it, and then she puts the phone down.

     “You can go sit in the waiting area until Dr. Mathews come out.”

     “Thanks.” I go and sit down in the same uncomfortable chair, and I examine my nails while I wait for Dr. Mathews to appear in the hallway that leads to his office.

     I really hope this little girl doesn't kill me today. Hopefully she still has that strait jacket one. What am I saying!? I don't want a child in a straitjacket! Well this child might be an exception…  A throat clearing catches my attention, and I look up to see Dr. Mathews gazing down at me.

     “Deep in thought?” He asks me with a raised eyebrow. I laugh nervously. Why does he always have to catch me not paying attention?

     “Just thinking about the little girl I'm meeting today,” I answered him.

     “Ah, yes. She's quite something. I'll show you to where you guys will be having you appointment today. Also, here is an identification card. It gives you access to Inside of the hospital without me,” he informs me while leading me to the same metal double doors that we walked through yesterday. He hands me a little plastic card attached to a lanyard. I take the card and study it. It has my name on it, along with some other information. It's pretty much the same thing as the card Dr. Mathews used just a few moments ago to open the metal doors. “That card gives you access to only the doors you will need access to. If it doesn't work, you're not aloud in. Got it?”

     “Yes Sir. Thank you. I won't have to waste your time now,” I reply. “I have one question about today. Will Abigail have a strait jacket on like she did last night?”

     “Yes,” he says with a small laugh. “Don't worry she will have a strait jacket on. Later on during the treatments, if she improves, she might not have to wear it. But for now she has to wear it because her actions are random and always unexpected.”

     I sigh audibly. Thank god! I really didn't want to die today. We continue to walk down the spaceship hallways, without any words between us. Before I know it, we pass the door to the monitoring room, going farther down the hallway. We keep walking for a few minutes, but when Dr. Mathews starts to slow down, my heart speeds up. He stops in front of a door that looks like the door to the monitoring room. It doesn't have a plaque, but it does have the words Therapy Room engraved into its face.

     “This is the room you will have your appointments with Abigail in. Abigail is already seated inside at this moment. She has a security guard in there as well. When you enter the guard will leave. If anything does happen he will be in there to protect you and remove Abigail from the room. Don't worry, just do your job and talk to her as if she is normal. It's been recorded that If you talk to her in any other manner, it could trigger a personality switch.” He tells me. I stare at him a few moments, trying to take in all of that information. I pat my side and feel the bag there containing my notebook and other things I will need.

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