Chapter 6

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Appointment: 4/6/2018

     I watch as the guard takes Abigail's bound hands in his own. She doesn't squirm as her takes a key and plunges is into the hole close to her skin. I would've flinched, but then again she probably expects it by now. When the guard twist the key and the cuffs pop open, Abigail quickly pushes the cuffs away and rubs her wrist. It has been a month since she got her straight jacket off. And she has made extraordinary progress.

     While rubbing her wrists she looks up at me.“I really do hate those things. They are so uncomfortable, and they cut into my skin.”

     “That's understandable. How are you today?” I respond.

     “I'm good. Nothing really good has happened today.”

     “I might be able to change that for you!” I tell her. Her head snaps up and she has a grin plastered on her face.

     “Really!?” she gasps. I smile at her eagerness and take a stuffed animal out of my bag. She squeals and reaches for it. I hand is to her and her little hands grasp it with a constricting grip. The cat’s pure white fur sprouts through Abigail's fingers.

     “I have another surprise too!” I announce to hear I watch as Abigail's eyes get as big as saucers.

     “Another surprise? What is it?” she inquires.

     “You're going to be able to meet some new people today. Some of them are even your age!” I say, introducing the new idea. Abigail's small mouth drops open so far, I'm afraid she scuffed her chin on the floor.

     “You're not joking right?” She asks astonished. I laugh slightly at her expression.

     “No I'm not joking,” I reassure her. She moves a hand from where it was laying under the table in her lap, to in front of my face. Slowly she extends her pinky with a small smile.

     “Pinky promise?” She asks while a shy smile. I quickly bring my hands to hers and embrace our pinkies together. The shy smile turns into a dazzling grin that alights her face.

     “You do have to have on your hand cuffs though. If you do good today I might bring you a treat next time I come,” I inform her. Her smile, started to slip when I mentioned the handcuffs, but now her face is once again bright with the thought of getting a treat.

     “Ok, but can you have the guard put on the cuffs looser? They hurt when he usually puts them on.”

     “I'll make sure he puts them on looser,” I tell her. “Are you ready to go meet new people?”

     Abigail sucks in a small breath, then nods her head slowly. “Yes. I'm ready.”


     The metal doors open with a refreshing gust of air. I take a brisk step over the barrier separating the courtyard and the inside of the building. Once I take that step, I walk a small ways into the courtyard with Abigail and her guard by my side.

     I can feel the sun’s scorching rays as they heat by black jacket. I'm glad I wore a jacket! I could've gotten sunburned! There are small, fluffy, white clouds scattered all over the bright sky at random. I watch as multiple children frolic in the green grass surrounded by high chain-link fences. All of them are here for things much less serious than Abigail's disorder. They're here for things like minor cases of anxiety and bipolar disorders. Some are even here because they have a type of autism their parents can't keep up with or because they are deaf. I was informed by Dr. Mathews that Abigail has the most severe illness here out of all the children.

     We stop about 10 feet from the door and I turn towards Abigail. “I'm going to go sit over there. I'll be watching so don't worry about any of these people. They can't hurt you.” I tell Abigail, and point over to a wooden bench on the side of the yard. Abigail nods while still clutching onto the stuffed kitten I gave her earlier. She has a shy and uncomfortable look to her stance. “Want me to help you find someone to talk to?” I ask, hoping to make her less uncomfortable. She nods excessively, so I look over the courtyard and look for a child for her to bond with.

     I soon spot a little boy playing with a stuffed puppy in the short grass. I start walking towards him with Abigail in my shadow. When we reach him, he looks up with squinting eyes due to the fact that he's looking into the sun behind our backs. He stops playing with his toy immediately when he sees Abigail and I standing here.

     “Hi! I’m Evelyn! What's your name?” I greet him with hyperbolized excitement. He continues to sit on the grass for a few moments without a word. Maybe he's mute?

     “That's a nice puppy you have there,” Abigail says at my side. The boy’s eyes shift between us in caution. Finally after a few seconds he responds.

     “Thanks. It's my favorite toy. I like your kitten,” he says shyly. His voice is slightly slurred, leading me to believe he's here because he has a case of autism. Abigail looks down at her kitten and pets its fluffy artificial hair.

     “Thanks! My name is Abigail!” She tells him. She sits next to him Indian style and sets her kitten next to his puppy.

     “I’m Sam and this is Brutus,” he says while gesturing towards himself and his toy.

     Soon Abigail and Sam strike up a conversation about their toys, and I decide to go and sit on the bench. My heels slightly sink into the dirt so each step I take towards the worn out wooden bench. I just had to wear heels again didn't I, I curse myself. Suddenly a sharp whistle pierces my ears. I whip my head in surprise to the direction the sound came from.

     “Time for lunch!” an unfamiliar voice yells strictly. The voice seems to suck all of the conversation out of the courtyard and hypnotize everyone to stand. Once a person stands, they run for the door that leads to the cafeteria you have to walk through to get to the courtyards door. Each child runs and becomes part of the stampede. I feel bad for the young woman who called the children for lunch.

     I watch as Sam and Abigail slowly stand and start walking to the door while talking to each other. The stampede crashes past me as I wait for Sam and Abigail to pass me so I can keep an eye on them. In a few minutes I'm walking a little bit behind them. They find a seat and put their stuffed animals down to keep their spot while they go get their food. Sam grabs Abigail's wrist and shows her what to do when getting food. They seem to be getting along great.
    A hand grasps my shoulder out of nowhere and a small squeak rushes past my lips. I look behind me for the person trying to get my attention. My eyes widen when I see Dr. Mathews.

    "I need to discuss a few things with you about Abigail," he says rashly while glancing around at the children. I glance down and notice that he's holding a blank Manila folder. The folder is bursting at the seams with multi-colored papers.

    "Is there another time we can talk?" I ask, looking back up to his face.

     "This isn't a great time. This Abigail's first day out with other children."

    "She'll be fine. This is urgent-" his voice is cut off by shrill screams and the sound of many pairs of feet moving at once. Children are running past Dr. Mathews and I, and when some of them look back I see their faces tainted with horror. I turn around and see blood. A lot of blood. In the middle of it, is the very still body of Sam on the ground, and Abigail standing above him clutching a small stuffed cat stained with red.

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