Chapter 8 (End)

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     “Keep walking,” the man’s gruff voice commands. As If that wasn't enough, he jabs the butt of his gun into my back for good measure. I twist around in my handcuffs and smile at the guard. The guard looks at me as if he’s disgusted by me. A laugh burst out of me because of his expression. This makes the guard’s face drop.

     I continue my skipping down the hall. The brick walls of the hallway the guard and I are currently walking though, are painted white, even though you can see scuff marks on them everywhere. We have been walking through twisting hallways for about 10 minuets now. I swear we've past only door, and it was the elevator door! Wait… I think I've spoke too soon- I mean thought to soon. I think as I see a dark rectangular shaped blob coming up. Wait there's actually an end to this hallway? We keep walking and I learn my suspicions are correct and that the mysterious blob is a door.

     “Stop!” The guard instructs strictly. On instinct I freeze mid step and almost fall. The guard gestures to the door, “In here.”

     “Okie-dokie,” I reply.

     I do as he says and enter the door. The first this I see is two doctors and bunch of medical equipment. There is a narrow, plastic, hospital in the center on the small room. Next to the bed is a table holding a tray, and on that tray is a syringe with a pretty impressive needle on the end of it. Along with the syringe there is, a pile of antiseptics wipes, a elastic band, and an IV tube with a needle on the bottom lays.

     I smile at the doctors and cock an eyebrow. “You do know that drugs are bad for you right?” The taller doctor scoffs at me.

     “Lay on the table please,” the tall doctor says. I look at the doctor. I can tell he's a man because of his height and deep voice. He wears light blue scrub pants, shirt, cap, and mouth cover. Dude, crazy isn't contagious. I follow his orders and lay down on my back on the bed. As soon as I lay down they get to work.

     I turn to the guard with a fake look of concern. “Is this legal? I try to keep on the right side of the law at all times.” I laugh again at my joke.

     The doctor holds my arms as the gaurd take off my handcuffs, then they strap me to the bed with nylon restraints. I look up at the tall doctor still laughing. He just continues with his preparations. He takes the elastic band off the tray and ties it around my upper arm that's closest to him. I let out a low breath. I can’t see what the other doctor is doing, but I know they're behind the one who is tending to my arm right now. As soon as the doctor is sure that the elastic band is secure and that he can see a vein clearly, he turns around and fetches a antiseptic wipe. He takes the wipe and takes a few swipes at my forearm. I squeal in surprise and the coldness of the wipe.

     “Can’t even warn me?” I ask between howls of laughter. He doesn't respond as he switches places with the other doctor.

     The other doctor is shorter but wears the same apparel. When I notice that they have the IV tube in their hand, my muscles become tense. The doctor takes my arm with delicate hands.

     “You need to relax your muscles. I can't insert the needle if your muscles are flexed,” the doctor informs me. Their voice sounds feminine, making me believe that they’re a woman.

     “You could just not inject me,” I suggest. Without warning, she jabs the needle into my arm. I glare at the doctor as she reaches behind her. When she turns back she has the syringe in her hand. I watch as she attaches the syringe to the end of the IV tube that isn’t in my arm. My arms strain against the nylon restraints.

     I shut my eyes and think because I can’t do anything else. I’m no longer laughing. I never thought my cause of death would be death penalty, but then again I never thought I would break one day and kill a little girl. I think about  my family and how they will never see their daughter again. I think about me and how I will never see anything other than this room again. And most of all I think about a little girl with dirty brown hair and deep brown eyes, and how I ruined both of our lives in a second of insanity.

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